
Die besten Hundetransportboxen

The best dog transport boxes

Dog owners who travel a lot by car or like to travel by plane absolutely need a dog transport box or appropriate security for the dog. This is not only...

The best dog transport boxes

Dog owners who travel a lot by car or like to travel by plane absolutely need a dog transport box or appropriate security for the dog. This is not only...

Warum kratzt sich mein Hund?

Why is my dog ​​scratching himself?

Dogs scratching themselves can be completely normal , but it can also indicate serious illnesses or parasite infestation. Just as we humans occasionally scratch ourselves, dogs do the same and...

Why is my dog ​​scratching himself?

Dogs scratching themselves can be completely normal , but it can also indicate serious illnesses or parasite infestation. Just as we humans occasionally scratch ourselves, dogs do the same and...

Schluckauf beim Hund - ist das gefährlich?

Hiccups in dogs - is it dangerous?

We all know it - and everyone knows a more or less good trick to get rid of it. Those who have hiccups usually try everything possible to get rid...

Hiccups in dogs - is it dangerous?

We all know it - and everyone knows a more or less good trick to get rid of it. Those who have hiccups usually try everything possible to get rid...

Wie werde ich Hundeführer?

How do I become a dog handler?

For dog lovers it is the supposed dream job: dog handler! But how do you become a dog handler and where can I find work as such, what equipment is...

How do I become a dog handler?

For dog lovers it is the supposed dream job: dog handler! But how do you become a dog handler and where can I find work as such, what equipment is...

Zecken beim Hund - Was hilft?

Ticks on dogs - what helps?

Ticks are a known problem. Every year the little arachnids not only plague us, but also our dogs. To counteract the pests, precautionary measures can be taken. But when is...

Ticks on dogs - what helps?

Ticks are a known problem. Every year the little arachnids not only plague us, but also our dogs. To counteract the pests, precautionary measures can be taken. But when is...

Die besten Hundekotbeutel

The best dog poop bags

Even if it is difficult for many people, the dog poop has to go. It is a collective achievement that we work together to ensure cleanliness and, at the same...

The best dog poop bags

Even if it is difficult for many people, the dog poop has to go. It is a collective achievement that we work together to ensure cleanliness and, at the same...