Hundesteuer – 14 spannende Fakten, die Du über die Hundesteuer in ganz Deutschland unbedingt wissen solltest

Dog tax – 14 exciting facts that you should definitely know about dog tax throughout Germany

What is dog tax?

In this article we tell you what you should know about dog tax. Among other things, you will learn:

  • Who has to pay the dog tax
  • How dog tax is calculated
  • Who can be exempt from dog tax

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Dog tax

When a four-legged friend, man's best friend or, more simply, a family dog, comes into the house, the joy is great and emotions flow. Because there is a lot to take care of.

Why do you pay dog ​​tax?

This is a tax on keeping dogs. This income goes to the municipality in which the dog is kept. It was introduced primarily at the beginning of the 19th century as an epidemic control measure, specifically to reduce the risk of rabies and the number of dogs. In many European countries, this tax has since been abolished.

Who has to pay dog ​​tax?

Almost everywhere in Germany, dog owners have to pay taxes for their four-legged friends. The only people who pay no or less dog tax are those who need the dogs for their job (shepherds, dog handlers, etc.), for their business (dog breeders) or for their life (guide dogs).

There is no tax exemption for Hartz IV recipients and these costs are not covered by the job center.

How is dog tax calculated?

Almost every German city or municipality charges dog owners a dog tax, which has to be paid annually for each dog kept. Each municipality can decide for itself how much dog tax its citizens have to pay.

A few German municipalities have also decided to forego dog tax altogether. The respective amount and possible exemptions are set out in special statutes.

In some municipalities or cities, a higher tax rate must be paid for the second or third dog. There is therefore no volume discount for keeping dogs.

Some municipalities charge a higher tax rate for so-called fighting dogs because they assume that these animals pose an increased danger to fellow citizens and children.

The Federal Administrative Court deemed this increased taxation to be permissible in 2000. The so-called fighting dogs include, for example, bull terriers , American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Tosa-Inu and Bandog.

How much is the dog tax?

This tax is usually cheaper in small communities than in big cities. As we have already learned, each community sets the amount of the dog tax itself.

In rural areas, this tax can cost between 5 and 40 euros, and in cities between 65 and 186 euros. Since there are around 11,000 municipalities in Germany alone, they cannot be listed individually here.

It is best to ask about this at the town hall before purchasing one or more dogs so that you do not suddenly face unexpected costs.

Example: The dog tax in Munich

Dog owners currently pay 76.80 euros per dog per year and another 76.80 euros for each additional dog. However, if one of the dogs belongs to the so-called fighting dog category, they have to shell out 613.80 euros per year.

Some people have to think about whether they can and want to afford this dog. After all, there are various other costs associated with dogs. In addition to living expenses, this can include dog liability insurance , veterinary costs and so on.

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Five cities that charge the highest dog tax in Germany

  • Mainz
  • Wiesbaden
  • Hagen
  • Bochum
  • Mühlheim an der Ruhr

Five cities with the cheapest dog tax

  • Munich
  • Paderborn
  • Neuss
  • regensburg
  • Wurzburg

What does the municipality use the dog tax for?

With the income from the dog tax, municipalities finance, among other things, the removal of dog excrement and the expansion or establishment of dog playgrounds.

Overall, however, the dog tax is a welcome additional source of income for the municipalities, which can decide for themselves what the money is used for. The money paid to the municipalities can therefore also be used for sidewalks or children's playgrounds.

Dog tax: how to register your dog

In order to pay the dog tax, the four-legged friend must be registered with the municipality. This can be done in person at the town hall, but also online. If you create a power of attorney, you can even have a third party do it.

Registration is required for every dog ​​older than three months and must be done within one month of the dog moving into the household. When registering the animal, its breed, age and any previous owners must be stated.

After registration, the dog owner receives his tax notice and the dog tag. The dog tag must be attached to the animal (ideally attached to the collar) in such a way that it is visible at all times. This means that the dog can always be easily identified.

In some federal states, such as Hamburg and Lower Saxony, registration in a dog register is also compulsory. This is also a registration for dog tax. The dog must have an implanted microchip and liability insurance.

Administrative offence

Anyone who fails to register their dog in time is committing an administrative offence and can also be prosecuted for tax evasion. The penalties for this are sometimes very high.

Anyone who does not pay the dog tax is also committing an administrative offence, which is punishable by a demand for additional payment.

How do you deregister your dog from dog tax?

If you no longer own the dog, if it has died or if you move to another municipality (in the new municipality it must then be registered again), the dog must be deregistered.

You have two weeks to deregister your dog tax. If you miss this deadline, you will still have to pay the dog tax for a whole month.

You can deregister your dog where you registered it. Generally, this is the local authority office or the tax and city treasury office.

Is dog tax tax deductible?

For private dog owners, the dog tax is not tax deductible. Only people with disabilities can declare a dog when filing their taxes.

Dog liability insurance

While dogs cost their owners a lot of money every year, for example for the vet, dog tax, high-quality dog ​​food or chews, it is a fact that very few people inform themselves about the respective costs beforehand.

But while dog tax is not tax deductible for private individuals, dog liability insurance can be declared in the tax return.

Like private liability insurance, this is one of the so-called private insurances and can therefore be claimed as a special expense (Income Tax Act Section 10 Paragraph 1 No. 3a).

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Be exempt from dog tax

There is no uniform regulation for this either. The next municipality may have completely different regulations. In general, however, there is an exemption from dog tax for:

  • Rescue dogs
  • Avalanche detection dogs
  • Water rescue dogs
  • Guide dogs
  • Signal dogs
  • Guard dogs
  • Therapy dogs

In general, it is sufficient to present a disability card to qualify for tax exemption. However, some municipalities only grant a tax exemption for these animals.

Dog tax must also be paid for mini dogs

Dog owners often think that no tax is payable for tiny animals like Chihuahuas . But these are still considered dogs for which dog tax must be paid.


As we have learned, most of us cannot avoid paying dog tax. But even if it is incomprehensible to some and causes annoyance, the income generated from it at least helps the general public - and us dog lovers too! Not paying dog tax can be very expensive and because tax evasion is a criminal offense, there may be much harsher penalties than just fines. It is best to find out more about the local regulations in your city or town!

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