
Valentinstag: 3 besondere Erlebnisse für dich und deinen Hund

Valentine's Day: 3 special experiences for you ...

Valentine's Day - the day of love, when small gestures and special moments count. But why should this day only be reserved for people? After all, dogs are loyal companions...

Valentine's Day: 3 special experiences for you ...

Valentine's Day - the day of love, when small gestures and special moments count. But why should this day only be reserved for people? After all, dogs are loyal companions...

Die Geschichte des Kauens: Vom Instinkt zur Beschäftigung

The History of Chewing: From Instinct to Occupa...

Chewing is one of the most natural and important behaviors of dogs. It is much more than a simple pastime - chewing has deep-rooted instincts that go back to the...

The History of Chewing: From Instinct to Occupa...

Chewing is one of the most natural and important behaviors of dogs. It is much more than a simple pastime - chewing has deep-rooted instincts that go back to the...

Fellstars im Netz: Diese 5 Hunde erobern das Social-Media-Universum

Fur stars on the internet: These 5 dogs are con...

The social media world is huge - and sometimes you can get the feeling of getting lost in the content jungle when scrolling. But there is a ray of hope...

Fur stars on the internet: These 5 dogs are con...

The social media world is huge - and sometimes you can get the feeling of getting lost in the content jungle when scrolling. But there is a ray of hope...

Richtige Lagerung von Kauartikeln: So bleiben sie frisch und sicher

Proper storage of chews: How to keep them fresh...

Chews are one of the most popular snacks for dogs. Not only do they provide hours of chewing fun, but they also offer many benefits for dental care and well-being....

Proper storage of chews: How to keep them fresh...

Chews are one of the most popular snacks for dogs. Not only do they provide hours of chewing fun, but they also offer many benefits for dental care and well-being....

Werwolfsyndrom: Störungen durch Kauartikel aus China?

Werewolf syndrome: Disorders caused by chews fr...

Since late summer 2024, a mysterious phenomenon has been causing concern among dogs in Germany: the so-called "werewolf syndrome" is associated with severe neurological symptoms. Although the name is more...

Werewolf syndrome: Disorders caused by chews fr...

Since late summer 2024, a mysterious phenomenon has been causing concern among dogs in Germany: the so-called "werewolf syndrome" is associated with severe neurological symptoms. Although the name is more...

Neujahrsvorsätze für dich und deinen Hund: So bleibt ihr fit und glücklich

New Year's resolutions for you and your dog: Ho...

The new year is the perfect time to set new goals - and that applies not only to us, but also to our dogs. Fitness, health and shared moments can...

New Year's resolutions for you and your dog: Ho...

The new year is the perfect time to set new goals - and that applies not only to us, but also to our dogs. Fitness, health and shared moments can...