
Mit dem Hund auf Pilzsuche - was du wissen solltest!

Mushroom hunting with your dog - what you shoul...

A walk through the forest can be a real adventure if you keep your eyes open and discover the little wonders of nature. The mysterious mushrooms that sprout on the...

Mushroom hunting with your dog - what you shoul...

A walk through the forest can be a real adventure if you keep your eyes open and discover the little wonders of nature. The mysterious mushrooms that sprout on the...

Die Evolution der Hunde

The Evolution of Dogs: From Wolf to Man’s Best ...

Dogs hold a special place in many people's hearts. These loyal companions, who now live in millions of homes, have a fascinating history behind them. From the wild wolves that...

The Evolution of Dogs: From Wolf to Man’s Best ...

Dogs hold a special place in many people's hearts. These loyal companions, who now live in millions of homes, have a fascinating history behind them. From the wild wolves that...

Verhaltensprobleme bei Hunden

Behavioral problems in dogs

Behavioral problems in dogs are a phenomenon that many dog ​​owners know only too well. From the temperamental terrier that barks at everything and everyone to the shy German shepherd...

Behavioral problems in dogs

Behavioral problems in dogs are a phenomenon that many dog ​​owners know only too well. From the temperamental terrier that barks at everything and everyone to the shy German shepherd...

Kommunikationsverhalten von Hunden

Communication behavior of dogs

In the mysterious worlds of our four-legged companions, communication is at the heart of their daily lives. Dogs are true masters of non-verbal signals, whether through their looks, body posture...

Communication behavior of dogs

In the mysterious worlds of our four-legged companions, communication is at the heart of their daily lives. Dogs are true masters of non-verbal signals, whether through their looks, body posture...

Die Bedeutung der Frühsozialisation bei Welpen

The importance of early socialization in puppies

A puppy not only brings liveliness and joy into the house, but also requires a lot of attention and care. Especially in the first few weeks of life, it is...

The importance of early socialization in puppies

A puppy not only brings liveliness and joy into the house, but also requires a lot of attention and care. Especially in the first few weeks of life, it is...

Spezielle Diäten für Hunde mit chronischen Erkrankungen

Special diets for dogs with chronic diseases

Auf den ersten Blick mag es einfach erscheinen: Ein Hund, der im Park fröhlich herumtollt, das Gras unter seinen Pfoten, das Sonnenlicht, das durch die Bäume bricht. Doch hinter dieser...

Special diets for dogs with chronic diseases

Auf den ersten Blick mag es einfach erscheinen: Ein Hund, der im Park fröhlich herumtollt, das Gras unter seinen Pfoten, das Sonnenlicht, das durch die Bäume bricht. Doch hinter dieser...