
Röntgen beim Hund

X-rays for dogs?

It's a warm summer evening, the sun is slowly disappearing over the horizon and the last warm rays are caressing the fur of your faithful four-legged friend. While you are...

X-rays for dogs?

It's a warm summer evening, the sun is slowly disappearing over the horizon and the last warm rays are caressing the fur of your faithful four-legged friend. While you are...

Welthundetag - Eine Ode an unsere treuen Begleiter

World Dog Day - An ode to our loyal companions

Dogs have always been loyal companions to humans. What began as a cautious rapprochement between early humans and wild wolves has developed into a unique relationship. Today, dogs are an...

World Dog Day - An ode to our loyal companions

Dogs have always been loyal companions to humans. What began as a cautious rapprochement between early humans and wild wolves has developed into a unique relationship. Today, dogs are an...

Leinenführung - Wie gewöhne ich meinen Hund an die Leine

Leash guidance - How do I get my dog ​​used to ...

Getting a puppy used to being on a leash requires patience and a gradual approach. Start by simply attaching the leash and letting it drop to the floor to get...

Leash guidance - How do I get my dog ​​used to ...

Getting a puppy used to being on a leash requires patience and a gradual approach. Start by simply attaching the leash and letting it drop to the floor to get...

Herbstvorbereitung - So machst du deinen Hund fit

Autumn preparation - How to get your dog fit

Fall is a special time of year. While many people enjoy the cooler temperatures, dogs face unique challenges that require special attention. From cooler temperatures to increasing darkness to wetter...

Autumn preparation - How to get your dog fit

Fall is a special time of year. While many people enjoy the cooler temperatures, dogs face unique challenges that require special attention. From cooler temperatures to increasing darkness to wetter...

Hundetrainer - auf was du achten solltest

Dog trainers – what you should pay attention to

Dogs enrich our lives in so many ways that it is difficult to put into words all the small and big joys they give us every day. They are our...

Dog trainers – what you should pay attention to

Dogs enrich our lives in so many ways that it is difficult to put into words all the small and big joys they give us every day. They are our...

Hirtenhunde - Rassen, Training und moderne Einsatzgebiete

Shepherd dogs - breeds, training and areas of use

The variety of landscapes that sheepdogs roam is as wide-ranging as the stories that accompany them. Equipped with a keen mind and unwavering instinct, these hardy dogs have established themselves...

Shepherd dogs - breeds, training and areas of use

The variety of landscapes that sheepdogs roam is as wide-ranging as the stories that accompany them. Equipped with a keen mind and unwavering instinct, these hardy dogs have established themselves...