
Dog insurance - what you should consider

Nowadays, almost everything can be insured. Of course, not everything makes sense, but insuring your own dog is not only sensible, it is a must! What often begins for us humans when we first move into our own apartment is mandatory for dogs after just six months - at least liability insurance. But illnesses are also one of the dangers of a dog's life and these can be just as expensive as property damage or personal injury. Here you can find out everything you need to know about liability, health or surgical insurance.

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Dog health insurance

Of course, most of the time you just have fun with your four-legged friend. You go running together, play with the dog in the garden or lie lazily on the couch. That's all well and good, of course, but only as long as your furry friend is doing well. It's possible that your dog will become ill or develop an allergy because he has eaten the wrong or bad dog food .

However, it can happen that a dog can easily sustain an injury, especially when playing together. In the worst case scenario, this can lead to the dog needing medical attention and perhaps even medication.

Anyone who has ever been seriously ill or injured knows how helpful and reassuring it is to be able to rely on the support of their insurance company.

So if you don’t have insurance for your four-legged companion yet, this should be at the top of your list.

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Dog liability insurance

You will certainly be happy when you can watch your four-legged friend having fun with other dogs while you go for a walk .

However, every now and then it happens that a dog bites another dog or even a person. This is generally not a good thing for the dogs or their owners, as it often involves visits to the doctor, reimbursement of costs and legal disputes.

The same applies if your dog is involved in an accident. If your dog causes a bicycle or car accident, you can expect to incur very high costs.

Anyone who does not have insurance for such cases must usually expect severe, costly consequences.

Dog surgery insurance

As with us humans, unfortunately there can also be emergencies with our four-legged friends in which it is necessary to perform an operation.

This can be caused, for example, in situations where a dog is hit or bitten. In the case of broken bones, tumors, purulent swellings and the like, surgical intervention is often unavoidable.

However, since these are highly specialized procedures, the costs involved are accordingly high. This is not a problem if the dog is already sufficiently covered by insurance for dog operations.

However, if you do not have insurance, a visit to the surgeon can quickly become a very expensive affair.


You and your dog are very good friends and have a lot of fun together.

However, you should keep in mind from time to time that a single accident, a single biting attack or a single illness can change this picture fundamentally.

However, if you have already taken out appropriate dog insurance, the chances of a quick recovery and dealing with the situation without any problems are much higher.

It's best to think carefully about when your dog is most likely to be in dangerous situations so you can discuss what insurance you both might need.

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