
Kläffen kleine Hunde, oder ist das ein Vorurteil?

Why do small dogs bark?

Small dogs that yap are usually an indication of incorrect or inconsistent training and cannot be linked to the dog breed as such. However, due to their small bodies, the...

Why do small dogs bark?

Small dogs that yap are usually an indication of incorrect or inconsistent training and cannot be linked to the dog breed as such. However, due to their small bodies, the...

Hunde für Anfänger

Dogs for beginners

Many people certainly want to have their first dog. But before a loyal four-legged friend can move in, a few questions need to be answered. One of the most important...

Dogs for beginners

Many people certainly want to have their first dog. But before a loyal four-legged friend can move in, a few questions need to be answered. One of the most important...

Hunde beruhigen - wie du deinen Vierbeiner beruhigen kannst

Calming dogs - how to calm your four-legged friend

Colloquially we often talk about the “tough dog”, but in reality our beloved four-legged friends are extremely sensitive creatures who need love and attention just as much as we humans...

Calming dogs - how to calm your four-legged friend

Colloquially we often talk about the “tough dog”, but in reality our beloved four-legged friends are extremely sensitive creatures who need love and attention just as much as we humans...

Hund will nicht Gassi gehen - mögliche Gründe

Dog doesn't want to go for a walk - possible ca...

Actually, dogs should go out for a walk and let off steam as often as possible! But it happens that dogs suddenly no longer want to go out the door...

Dog doesn't want to go for a walk - possible ca...

Actually, dogs should go out for a walk and let off steam as often as possible! But it happens that dogs suddenly no longer want to go out the door...

Hunde an Katzen gewöhnen - geht das?

Getting dogs used to cats - is that possible?

Dogs and cats - they often don't go together. In our minds, cats and dogs are such opposites that we have even come up with sayings for the two opponents...

Getting dogs used to cats - is that possible?

Dogs and cats - they often don't go together. In our minds, cats and dogs are such opposites that we have even come up with sayings for the two opponents...

Wo kann man Hunde beerdigen?

Where can you bury dogs?

Dogs are often referred to as man's best friend. When this faithful companion leaves us, it usually hits us hard. It is not uncommon for old people to soon follow...

Where can you bury dogs?

Dogs are often referred to as man's best friend. When this faithful companion leaves us, it usually hits us hard. It is not uncommon for old people to soon follow...