
Warum fressen Hunde Kot?

Why do dogs eat poop?

It is nothing new to dog connoisseurs that our four-legged friends occasionally eat the feces of other dogs, their own or even that of other animals. This behavior is called...

Why do dogs eat poop?

It is nothing new to dog connoisseurs that our four-legged friends occasionally eat the feces of other dogs, their own or even that of other animals. This behavior is called...

Welpen-Erstausstattung - Was braucht ein Welpe wirklich?

Initial Puppy Equipment - What does a puppy rea...

Finally the time has come! After much consideration, the big decision has been made and the puppy has been chosen. Now it's time to prepare yourself and everything for the...

Initial Puppy Equipment - What does a puppy rea...

Finally the time has come! After much consideration, the big decision has been made and the puppy has been chosen. Now it's time to prepare yourself and everything for the...

Wurmkur beim Hund

Worm treatment for dogs

Almost every dog ​​will be affected by worms at least once during their life. Even if this topic may seem uncomfortable or embarrassing to you at first, you can be...

Worm treatment for dogs

Almost every dog ​​will be affected by worms at least once during their life. Even if this topic may seem uncomfortable or embarrassing to you at first, you can be...

10 Intelligenzspielzeuge für Hunde

10 intelligence toys for dogs

To keep our dogs happy, we often walk them for hours and not only provide the best dog food and a comfortable dog bed, but also toys. But the range...

10 intelligence toys for dogs

To keep our dogs happy, we often walk them for hours and not only provide the best dog food and a comfortable dog bed, but also toys. But the range...

Die 5 besten Hundeleinen

The 5 best dog leashes

There are things that every dog ​​owner needs. Even a perfectly trained, good-natured and friendly dog ​​that never runs away and always runs on command needs a dog leash. Because...

The 5 best dog leashes

There are things that every dog ​​owner needs. Even a perfectly trained, good-natured and friendly dog ​​that never runs away and always runs on command needs a dog leash. Because...

Die besten Hundebetten

The best dog beds

For your dog's health, fitness and well-being - just like with humans - it is extremely important that he can enjoy restful periods of rest and sleep. For this, your...

The best dog beds

For your dog's health, fitness and well-being - just like with humans - it is extremely important that he can enjoy restful periods of rest and sleep. For this, your...