
Rassehund oder Mischling?

Pedigree dog or mixed breed?

Long before the final decision on a dog has been made, many people first ask themselves what kind of dog they should actually have. And the first question is often:...

Pedigree dog or mixed breed?

Long before the final decision on a dog has been made, many people first ask themselves what kind of dog they should actually have. And the first question is often:...

Schmatzen beim Hund - ist das normal?

Dog smacking - is that normal?

Those who cannot tolerate smacking usually suffer from misophonia. For them it is almost unbearable when others smack their lips while eating. We can easily tell our friends this, but...

Dog smacking - is that normal?

Those who cannot tolerate smacking usually suffer from misophonia. For them it is almost unbearable when others smack their lips while eating. We can easily tell our friends this, but...

Die besten Hundetreppen

The best dog stairs

At first glance, dog stairs seem like unnecessary frills that dog owners buy because they already have everything else. But a staircase or ramp can actually make sense for dogs....

The best dog stairs

At first glance, dog stairs seem like unnecessary frills that dog owners buy because they already have everything else. But a staircase or ramp can actually make sense for dogs....


Therapy dogs - How does my dog ​​become a thera...

It has long been clear to most dog lovers that dogs have a positive influence on us humans. They are now used in a wide variety of therapies and show...

Therapy dogs - How does my dog ​​become a thera...

It has long been clear to most dog lovers that dogs have a positive influence on us humans. They are now used in a wide variety of therapies and show...

Hundekrankhe Die häufigsten Krankheiten bei Hunden im Überblick

Dog diseases - an overview of the most common d...

If your dog suddenly no longer wants to eat or play and it turns out that he is sick, it is usually a shock for the dog owner. Unfortunately, there...

Dog diseases - an overview of the most common d...

If your dog suddenly no longer wants to eat or play and it turns out that he is sick, it is usually a shock for the dog owner. Unfortunately, there...

Die Hundepfeife

The dog whistle - what it is good for and how t...

You've probably heard of dog whistles. However, this is a topic where many people don't know exactly what to do with it and how to use it. In fact, using...

The dog whistle - what it is good for and how t...

You've probably heard of dog whistles. However, this is a topic where many people don't know exactly what to do with it and how to use it. In fact, using...