
Dein Hund ist zu dünn? Das musst du wissen

Your dog is too thin? You have to know that

There can be a variety of reasons why a dog is too thin. Being underweight can be an accompanying symptom of various illnesses. In any case, it is important to...

Your dog is too thin? You have to know that

There can be a variety of reasons why a dog is too thin. Being underweight can be an accompanying symptom of various illnesses. In any case, it is important to...

Hund Pfötchen-Geben beibringen - so gehts!

Teaching your dog to give its paws - this is ho...

You recently bought a small dog and are now thinking about giving him tricks to teach? Or maybe you've been the proud owner of a sweet one for a long...

Teaching your dog to give its paws - this is ho...

You recently bought a small dog and are now thinking about giving him tricks to teach? Or maybe you've been the proud owner of a sweet one for a long...

Können Hunde weinen? - Hier erfährst du es

Can dogs cry? - Find out here

Can dogs cry? Maybe you've asked yourself this question before. Are dogs more similar to us humans in their social behavior than we always thought? Others simply think this is...

Can dogs cry? - Find out here

Can dogs cry? Maybe you've asked yourself this question before. Are dogs more similar to us humans in their social behavior than we always thought? Others simply think this is...

Warum bellen Hunde?

Why do dogs bark?

Dogs bark, yap, strike – why exactly? Barking is a fundamental part of a dog's normal behavior and is used for communication. Barking is a vocalization that is characteristic of...

Why do dogs bark?

Dogs bark, yap, strike – why exactly? Barking is a fundamental part of a dog's normal behavior and is used for communication. Barking is a vocalization that is characteristic of...

Beim Hund Zähne putzen – Was muss man beachten?

Brushing your dog's teeth - what do you have to...

Brushing your teeth is important! This is clear to many people, but dental hygiene is probably neglected by many people and it is only the first expensive dental treatment that...

Brushing your dog's teeth - what do you have to...

Brushing your teeth is important! This is clear to many people, but dental hygiene is probably neglected by many people and it is only the first expensive dental treatment that...

Hunde im Winter - sicher durch die kalte Jahreszeit

Dogs in winter - safe through the cold season

When the cold season begins and the temperatures plummet, we unpack our winter clothes and are usually cozy and warm despite the cold. While some are looking forward to snow,...

Dogs in winter - safe through the cold season

When the cold season begins and the temperatures plummet, we unpack our winter clothes and are usually cozy and warm despite the cold. While some are looking forward to snow,...