
Husten beim Hund

Coughing in dogs

As with us humans, coughing in dogs is not a disease, but rather a symptom that indicates one or more other problems. However, that doesn't have to mean that it's...

Coughing in dogs

As with us humans, coughing in dogs is not a disease, but rather a symptom that indicates one or more other problems. However, that doesn't have to mean that it's...

Warum heulen Hunde?

Why do dogs howl?

Tilt your head back and your four-legged housemate will give you a very special serenade: your dog howls - loudly, deafeningly and persistently. When other dogs are nearby, they often...

Why do dogs howl?

Tilt your head back and your four-legged housemate will give you a very special serenade: your dog howls - loudly, deafeningly and persistently. When other dogs are nearby, they often...

Wie oft muss ein Hund raus?

How often does a dog have to go out?

The fact that dogs need to go out a lot is pretty much the most basic thing that dog owners need to know. But what is “a lot” and how...

How often does a dog have to go out?

The fact that dogs need to go out a lot is pretty much the most basic thing that dog owners need to know. But what is “a lot” and how...

Hund baden: So wird das Fell des Vierbeiners wieder sauber!

Bathing your dog: This is how your four-legged ...

Unfortunately, our beloved dogs are sometimes pretty dirty, bringing all the dirt home with them with their fur like an oversized mop. Sometimes they roll in dirt or worse. Sometimes...

Bathing your dog: This is how your four-legged ...

Unfortunately, our beloved dogs are sometimes pretty dirty, bringing all the dirt home with them with their fur like an oversized mop. Sometimes they roll in dirt or worse. Sometimes...

Der Regenmantel für den Hund. Ist er wirklich notwendig?

The raincoat for the dog. Is it really necessary?

It's a big controversial topic. Dressing dogs in clothes is often criticized and anyone who does it has to hear that they are treating their dog as a fashion accessory...

The raincoat for the dog. Is it really necessary?

It's a big controversial topic. Dressing dogs in clothes is often criticized and anyone who does it has to hear that they are treating their dog as a fashion accessory...

Der Hunderucksack, ein praktischer Alltagsbegleiter in vielen Größen

The dog backpack, a practical everyday companio...

At first glance, dog backpacks seem like a gimmick for snobs, but they actually make sense in some circumstances. Although we recommend using these carriers sparingly, long hikes can definitely...

The dog backpack, a practical everyday companio...

At first glance, dog backpacks seem like a gimmick for snobs, but they actually make sense in some circumstances. Although we recommend using these carriers sparingly, long hikes can definitely...