Pregnancy and dog
First of all, there is no reason to believe that a dog and a baby living together would not work. You are not the first family to think about it - and that is a good thing! This shows that you are willing to learn and adapt to a new situation. If you consider and implement the following points, nothing should go wrong!
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Preparation during pregnancy
Did you know that dogs can smell the hormonal changes that come with pregnancy? It could actually be that your furry friend knew about the news before you did. It's really interesting how sharp these creatures' senses are! Preparation during pregnancy is very important because dogs are creatures of habit and need to be introduced to new circumstances slowly. So the sooner you start, the easier it will be for your four-legged friend to get used to everything.
You have to be aware that your dog could react jealously to the baby. No matter how much you love your four-legged friend, the baby is of course the first priority once it is here. That's why it's important to prepare him for the new arrival - and also for the fact that he will have to be a little patient with some of his needs in the future. Show him the furnished nursery with the cot, changing table, etc. so that he can get used to it.
If you plan to change old habits, you should start early. This includes, for example, not allowing him to jump on the sofa, not allowing his toys to be in every room, or moving the dog bed to another corner. If these changes happen from one day to the next, this can confuse the dog in addition to the presence of the new owner. In the worst case scenario, the baby will be identified as the reason and eyed with suspicion.
It is best to inform your vet about your pregnancy and to find out whether your dog has all the necessary/recommended vaccinations. Make sure that your dog is not infected with worms or ensure that your four-legged friend is dewormed again before the baby is born.
In general, your usual hygiene should not change. However, when you are pregnant, you should be more careful than usual. This means that when you come back home from a walk, you should clean your dog and not let him bring in too much dirt. It is also advisable to wash your hands thoroughly after petting him or coming into contact with his saliva. This is especially true if you plan to eat something or prepare a meal immediately afterwards! After all, you do not want to accidentally come into contact with germs that your body may not be able to cope with as well as usual during pregnancy.
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Dog training
When the baby is finally here, it is especially important that your dog listens to your commands and knows his limits. If you are still having problems with this, now is the right time to go to a dog school again or practice commands at home. Try incorporating homemade treats into the training. They are very easy to prepare and your furry friend will be rewarded for his efforts in a tasty way. You can also practice going for a walk with the stroller for the first time.
The first days with the baby
It is not uncommon for expectant mothers to be surprised by the birth. Finding someone to look after your dog spontaneously, even among friends, is sometimes not that easy. That is why we would recommend that you start looking for somewhere your dog can stay for a few days (if necessary) a few weeks before the expected due date.
The first introduction to the baby should be friendly, relaxed and calm. Give your dog time to be happy that you are home and to be able to sniff you. You can leave the baby with your partner while you do this, so that the focus is entirely on the animal and you. Then you can let the dog get closer together.
You are probably all very excited. Curiosity is good! Let him sniff and come closer. Reward his behavior again and again with small snacks , caresses and kind words. If the dog becomes too nervous, you can try to distract him with simple commands or games. And if there is no other option, one of you can leave the room with the baby for a moment to give the furry friend a break.
General tips for living together with dogs and babies
- Taboo zones: Depending on your understanding of hygiene, you should make it clear to the dog that certain objects or places are off-limits for him. This could be the baby blanket, but also hijacking the baby's bed. Following commands (Out!), installing baby gates, etc. help to set boundaries.
- Don't exclude them: Don't always leave your four-legged friend out when it comes to baby matters. Sniffing, cuddling, walking the stroller or watching with interest while your baby is being changed will create a feeling of togetherness on both sides.
- Very important: No matter how sweet the dog is and how much you trust it, NEVER leave it alone with the baby! Your furry friend doesn't necessarily mean any harm, but the risk that something could happen - even if it's just playfully pushing it off the couch - can't be ruled out.
Positive effects on children growing up with dogs
immune system
The good news is that growing up with a dog has a positive effect on many babies. This primarily affects the occurrence of allergies, but also a generally more robust immune system. According to scientists, this phenomenon can be attributed to early contact with certain harmless bacteria that are transmitted to the child when, for example, the dog's fur is stroked.
Social behavior
Further studies have found that the social-emotional skills of children who grow up with dogs are improved. They learn to treat their fellow humans with care, to take responsibility and to make compromises - similar to how they would with a sibling. Hyperactive children can also be calmed by the presence of a dog.
Dogs are pack animals and therefore have an urgent need to live in a community. If this community grows, dogs usually cope with it without any problems. It can even happen that your dog develops a stronger protective instinct towards the pregnant owner and later the baby. Since many things will also change for your four-legged friend, it is a good idea to prepare him for the baby during the pregnancy. Curiosity, and also nervousness, are normal in the early days between the two. Exemplary behavior should always be rewarded. If, however, there is strong rejection or even aggressive behavior, it is definitely advisable to consult a dog trainer!
Letting your child grow up with a dog can also be an experience that will shape their life and will have a positive impact on their development years later. Although the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages, you should be particularly attentive at the beginning, listen to the signals of your four-legged friend and encourage acceptance and affection. The strength and nature of the dog should not be underestimated. Too many unnecessary accidents have happened because the baby or toddler was left alone with the dog for a short time. A dog is NOT a nanny!
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