Hundeschlafplatz & Hundebett

Dog sleeping area & dog bed

In this article we will tell you what you should know about dog sleeping places and dog beds. Among other things, you will learn:

  • Why a dog bed is necessary
  • What makes the optimal dog sleeping place
  • Example rules for a restful rest for your dog

For the health, fitness and well-being of your dog, it is extremely important - just like with humans - that he can enjoy restful periods of rest and sleep. To do this, your four-legged friend needs a species-appropriate dog bed. But what does that mean exactly? We have put together all the important information about the ideal dog bed for you here at a glance.

Contents: Dog sleeping place & dog bed

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Dog bed - why at all?

Are you wondering why you should invest in a dog bed? After all, your four-legged friend can also rest on the sofa or a blanket. The answer is very simple: Just like with humans, a restful, good night's sleep strengthens the immune system and the whole body in the long term. In order to best support the health of your little companion, restful rest periods are of central importance and should not be underestimated.

The optimal dog sleeping place

What are the most important criteria for an ideal dog bed? First of all, the cover of your dog bed should be dirt-repellent, easily removable and uncomplicated to clean. As we all know, dogs love to play and romp around outside. Accordingly, they regularly bring dirt into the house, which can collect in their sleeping place.

Dog bed – the right shape

  • Your four-legged friend needs enough space, which means he must be able to stretch out completely.
  • The dog bed should offer enough space for different sleeping positions.
  • The dog's sleeping place should be designed in such a way that your four-legged friend can lie down in a soft, cozy bed. At the same time, his body is supported by the bed.

There are two crucial criteria when it comes to the size of the dog bed: Firstly, the physical dimensions of your animal. And secondly, you need to consider how your furry friend prefers to sleep: Does your dog like to curl up when he lies down in his basket? Or does your dog love to stretch out as far as possible and therefore needs a lot of space for his sleeping place? It is important to note that even if your four-legged friend prefers to snuggle up in a curled-up position, he should have the option of stretching out properly in his dog bed.

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Where is the best place for the dog bed?

  • Dogs are pack animals and prefer to be close to their caregiver. On the one hand, this means that your dog feels like it belongs where (family) life takes place - such as in the living room. But it is also important that the animal is disturbed as little as possible in its sleeping place and can find lasting peace.
  • For example, if you place the dog bed close to a door, the animal will probably have the impulse to watch closely what is happening there or who is coming and going. This can be stressful for the animal in the long run - as well as for you and your loved ones.
  • A quiet corner in the living room where the dog can be surrounded by his favorite person(s) and still relax is ideal. In addition to the living room, the bedroom is also a good place to position the dog bed. This is where your pet can sleep in peace while you read or watch TV.
  • What else is important? The dog's sleeping place should generally not be located directly next to or under a television or computer. This is because these technical devices often emit high frequency sounds even in standby mode, which can stress your four-legged friend due to his sensitive hearing.
  • Likewise, the corner of the dog's sleeping area should not be too warm. If the dog bed is right next to the fireplace or near the heater, this is just as uncomfortable for the four-legged friend as it is for humans. The warm, dry air also puts strain on the animal's eyes and respiratory tract.

Dog sleeping place: rules for a restful rest

If you live with several people, it is advisable to follow a few rules around the dog's sleeping area:

  • The dog's sleeping place is accepted by all members of the family or the shared household as a place for the dog to rest.
  • When the dog retreats to his dog bed and rests/sleeps, he should not be disturbed if possible.
  • It is best to teach your dog when he is still a puppy that his sleeping place is a safe, undisturbed place where he can retreat whenever he needs peace and quiet.
  • Accordingly, children should also be encouraged to respect their dog's need for rest as soon as the four-legged friend wants to retreat to his basket. If your dog is repeatedly disturbed while resting and sleeping, it may become restless and stressed in the long term.

Can the dog sleep in your own bed?

Some people think it's great when their dog sleeps in their own bed. Of course, everyone has to decide that for themselves. It's important that your dog doesn't develop a sense of entitlement to be allowed in bed, but only jumps in when asked. The same applies to the couch or sofa, of course. Another important aspect of the dog-in-bed issue is of course hygiene. Before your dog gets into the bed or couch, its fur should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. Very important: Even if your dog is allowed to sleep in your bed, it should still have its own dog bed or dog basket - as an individual retreat that it can go to whenever it feels like it.


As you can see, there are a few things to consider when choosing a dog bed and a dog sleeping place. To summarize, you are on the safe side if:

  • ... you choose a professional dog bed that is the right size, easy to clean and expertly designed for your four-legged friend.
  • ... you choose a quiet, undisturbed place for your dog to sleep, where he is not lonely but can feel close to his caregivers.
  • ... you keep quiet rules for yourself and your furry friend, which will be good for both of you in the long term. Your dog will thank you!

Because even for “man’s best friend” the saying “You sleep as you make your bed” applies.

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