Trächtigkeit beim Hund feststellen - So geht es

Detecting pregnancy in a dog - this is how it works

In this article we will tell you what you should know about dog pregnancy. Among other things, you will learn:
  • What are the signs of pregnancy in dogs
  • How long dogs are pregnant
  • How to prepare yourself and your dog for birth

When dogs have babies, it is always an exciting time. Whether it is a planned pregnancy or perhaps a "small accident", you should always think about how you can support your animal during this stressful time. The first question that naturally arises is how can I tell if my dog ​​is pregnant?

Table of Contents: Determining pregnancy in dogs

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Signs of pregnancy in dogs

When dogs have babies, it is always an exciting time. Whether it is a planned pregnancy or perhaps a "small accident", you should always think about how you can support your animal during this stressful time. The first question that naturally arises is how can I tell if my dog ​​is pregnant?

Teats swell

The teats swell 25 to 30 days after fertilization.

Vaginal discharge and abdominal swelling

After about a month, vaginal discharge occurs and the abdomen swells slightly.

Increase between day 45 and 50

Between the 45th and 50th day of her pregnancy, the bitch also begins to gain weight.

As soon as you suspect that your dog is pregnant, you should have it confirmed by your vet . After all, there are a few preparations that need to be made. In addition, the vet can usually determine early on whether the pregnancy could become problematic and what precautions need to be taken.

Duration of pregnancy in dogs

The pregnancy in dogs lasts between 58 and 68 days. Regardless of whether it is a pregnant French bulldog, a Chihuahua or a Labrador, the average pregnancy period for all dog breeds is 63 days. However, you should always take your dog to your veterinarian again shortly before the birth. This is also true if the average pregnancy period has already been exceeded. This will help to determine whether a normal birth is to be expected.

Birth preparation for dogs

The bitch's temperature should be measured three times a day at least one week before the expected birth date, because 80 percent of pregnant bitches experience a temperature drop of one degree 24 to 36 hours before birth. The whelping box should of course have been prepared long ago. It is best to use clean, old towels that should be replaced with new ones immediately after birth. Some bitches also instinctively start to build their own nest immediately before birth. This process should not be disturbed, as this could otherwise delay the birth process.

Have your dog’s pregnancy confirmed by your veterinarian

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From the 21st day after fertilization, the doctor can usually feel a thickening of the uterus in the lower abdomen.

From the 25th day of pregnancy, the doctor can hear the puppies' heartbeats using a stethoscope or ECG, but not their number.

After the 28th day, pregnancy can be reliably confirmed by ultrasound, which is the safest method and does not put any strain on the bitch or the puppies.

From the 49th day of pregnancy, the number of puppies can also be determined by X-ray examination. However, neither the puppies nor the mother dog should be exposed to this unnecessary radiation unless there is a good reason for doing so.

Changes in personality during pregnancy

A dog's behavior during pregnancy can vary from dog to dog. Some dogs show no signs of pregnancy at all, others lose their appetite (appetite usually increases in the second half of pregnancy), become depressed or even aggressive. But many dogs simply become particularly affectionate from the third week of pregnancy onwards.

When can a dog become pregnant?

Bitches can only become pregnant when they are in heat, which occurs approximately every eight months and can last up to three weeks.

When can a female dog become pregnant again?

Only when the uterus has shrunk after birth and is fully functional again. This is the case after about three months.

At what age can a female dog become pregnant?

Bitches come into heat for the first time between the ages of six and twelve months and can then be mated. When exactly this happens depends on the dog's stage of development and its breed. This usually happens earlier with small breeds than with large ones.

Long period for pregnancy in dogs

When bitches are in heat, they can also become pregnant. This phase of fertility is generally known as "heat." Since bitches do not experience menopause, they can give birth to puppies well into old age. If you do not want your dog to become pregnant again, you should discuss the options for contraception with your vet.

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