
Rüde oder Hündin?

Male or female? - What should I choose?

When buying a dog, the choice of gender is also a big factor for future dog owners, in addition to the choice of breed. Many prejudices dominate our perception and...

Male or female? - What should I choose?

When buying a dog, the choice of gender is also a big factor for future dog owners, in addition to the choice of breed. Many prejudices dominate our perception and...

Urlaub mit Hund - so geht's

Vacationing with your dog - that's how it works

Finally holidays! But of course not without a dog - after all, he is part of the family. Most dogs are actually very focused on their “pack of people” and...

Vacationing with your dog - that's how it works

Finally holidays! But of course not without a dog - after all, he is part of the family. Most dogs are actually very focused on their “pack of people” and...

Mit Hund Sicher am Strand und am See

Safe on the beach and at the lake with your dog

A summer day on the beach or by the water is great fun for many dog ​​owners. However, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure that...

Safe on the beach and at the lake with your dog

A summer day on the beach or by the water is great fun for many dog ​​owners. However, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure that...

Hunde an Silvester - Angst & Panik vermeiden

Dogs on New Year's Eve - avoid fear and panic

Every year New Year's Eve is the highlight of the year for many people. Although the firecrackers are gradually coming under criticism at the turn of the year, there is...

Dogs on New Year's Eve - avoid fear and panic

Every year New Year's Eve is the highlight of the year for many people. Although the firecrackers are gradually coming under criticism at the turn of the year, there is...

Helfen Hunde gegen Depressionen?

Do dogs help against depression?

Depression is considered a serious psychiatric illness and has become part of our lives. For a long time, this disease was a taboo topic that was talked about and educated...

Do dogs help against depression?

Depression is considered a serious psychiatric illness and has become part of our lives. For a long time, this disease was a taboo topic that was talked about and educated...

Können Hunde ans Wasser gewöhnt werden?

Get dogs used to water

While many dogs love the water and jump into the cool water without hesitation, other four-legged friends are anything but enthusiastic about the wet element and go into the lake...

Get dogs used to water

While many dogs love the water and jump into the cool water without hesitation, other four-legged friends are anything but enthusiastic about the wet element and go into the lake...