Vegetarisches Hundefutter

Vegetarian dog food - what you need to know

There are plenty of reasons for a vegetarian diet. Whether it's the climate, health or the suffering of the animals that have to be slaughtered to make dog food - the reasons for changing your own diet are varied. But when you change your mind, many dog ​​owners are faced with a dilemma. Giving up meat yourself but feeding your dog kilos of meat borders on double standards.

In fact, this is not necessary at all, as vegetarian and vegan dog food has long been available! We will tell you what is important so that your four-legged friend can manage the change in diet, as not every dog ​​is suitable for it. And ultimately, the human's preferences should not be the sole deciding factor in the dog's food. The dog's well-being comes first!

Contents: Vegetarian dog food - what you need to know

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Vegetarian and vegan diets are undoubtedly on the rise. It is estimated that there are now over 6 million vegetarians in Germany, which makes up seven percent of the total population. This naturally also affects the diet of many dogs, as dog owners are increasingly daring to try new types of food that do not contain meat. Since most dog owners are also animal lovers, this development is not particularly surprising.

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Reasons for changing your diet

  • The dog owner is a vegetarian/vegan himself and wants to serve his dog only vegetarian/vegan dog food out of conviction
  • There is a suspicion that the dog has an allergy and a vegetarian/vegan diet is supposed to help.

Regardless of the motivation for changing the food, there are several different opinions as to what is the best way to feed your dog.

The question of whether vegetarian dog food is sufficient or not

Although the topic is hotly debated, it is actually not that complicated. After all, whether dogs are carnivores (meat eaters) or carni-omnivores (meat and omnivores) is ultimately not so important.

There is no single, correct diet for dogs, but rather several different diets. You can feed your dog a healthy diet with different foods. These can be based on both meat and plant-based food.

Since there are dog owners who are vegetarians or vegans themselves, they would naturally prefer to serve their dog plant-based food. Do you feel best with a vegetarian diet and would you like to offer your dog a similar diet?

Then you will be happy to know that there is more and more high-quality vegetarian dog food available to buy.

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Feeding your dog a vegetarian diet

As mentioned, there are many different opinions about whether dog food should be vegetarian or not. However, vegetarian dry food also offers dogs a complete, balanced meal. As we know, dogs originally descended from wolves.

However, it has changed considerably in the course of evolution and especially during domestication by humans, thus adapting to people's ways of life.

Compared to wolves, dogs also have a better set of enzymes, which are important for processing the proteins consumed. All proteins (whether from meat or vegetables) are converted into amino acids in the intestine and then utilized.

Critics of vegetarian dog food often claim that dogs are carnivores who are not adequately nourished by a vegetarian diet. However, many dog ​​owners now believe that there are vegetarian dogs that have long since evolved into omnivores.

Should dog food be vegetarian or not?

The question of whether a vegetarian diet is the best for dogs or not therefore seems difficult to answer. When you consider that there are officially over 350 recognized dog breeds (according to the FCI , the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the world cynological association responsible for the uniform description of dog breeds and the establishment of breeding guidelines), it is obvious that dogs generally eat differently. As with us humans, various factors come into play. The origin and typical living conditions of each dog breed also play a role.

It's the same with us humans. Some fruits, for example, are only grown in certain places in the world. Likewise, certain animal species, vegetables and raw materials are distributed all over the world. Coupled with the very different climatic conditions in the world, which differ greatly between northern Norway and the Chilean coast, for example, these differences are expressed in completely natural, different diets. None of these diets is "wrong" per se, but rather is a logical consequence of the local living conditions.

Is vegetarian dry food suitable for every dog?

As a general rule, vegetarian dog food is ideal for all breeds. It is mainly grains that many dogs find uncomfortable.

Therefore, if you decide to eliminate grains from your dog's diet, it is likely that your dog will develop a higher tolerance.

The age of the dog is another reason why you should consider changing to a slightly different diet. As the dog gets older, its behavior changes because it is less active than when it was younger.

However, many dog ​​owners do not adjust their dog's diet accordingly, which can result in excessive food intake.

If this factor is ignored over a long period of time, it can have serious consequences. Many dogs suffer from high blood pressure or obesity as they get older. This often results in visits to the vet and is of course not a desirable situation.

However, offering your dog vegetarian dog treats every now and then should not be a problem.

Vegetarian dog food without grain ensures good tolerance

Just like humans, dogs often have food allergies or intolerances. In dogs, some of the allergic reactions are triggered by proteins in beef and chicken, for example. Therefore, it may sometimes be necessary to include only plant-based proteins in the diet in order to remedy the allergy.

In recent years, more and more people have become aware that they suffer from a grain or gluten intolerance, which can also affect dogs. Therefore, vegetarian dog food without grains can have a very positive effect on your dog's health.

If you have always fed your dog meat-based food but are now thinking about vegetarian dog food, you should take it slowly. Because, just like with humans, a change in diet cannot usually be implemented overnight.

Allow your dog to slowly get used to the new food. A cautious approach also has the advantage that you can easily see whether your dog likes a certain dish or not. It also allows you to document well whether your dog tolerates something or not.

You should then observe your dog closely for a few weeks or even months. This way you can see if there are any changes in his activity. He may become more active, which suggests that the diet is agreeing with him. He may also seem a little sluggish, which could be due to an intolerance.

If you notice that your dog prefers a certain food and feels better with it, you should not force him to change his diet. After all, your furry friend should feel comfortable and enjoy the food.


We note that it is not an easy decision. The different situations sometimes seem like they are caught in a religious war. But as is so often the case in life, there is no black and white, no simple right or wrong. Based on the circumstances, everyone should act in the best interests of the dog's health.

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