Fleisch für Hunde

Meat for dogs

Meat is the main ingredient in most dog foods and quite a few do without other ingredients. But not all meat is the same. Many different types of meat have made it into the dog food range and they all have their advantages and disadvantages. So that you always have an overview, we will tell you which meat is suitable for dogs, how long you should cook meat for dogs and which meat is suitable for dogs with allergies!

Content: Meat for dogs

Which meat for dogs?

For dog owners who want to feed their dog meat, there are a whole range of different types that are suitable. If you need some inspiration or just want an overview of the types of meat that you can feed your furry friend, we have provided you with an overview here:


You can serve fish to your four-legged friend. Regular consumption of fish not only helps your dog to strengthen its immune system, but also provides it with important omega fatty acids. This has a particularly positive effect on the dog's skin as well as its bones and joints. Be careful with the bones, which should be carefully removed.


Poultry is a type of meat that is often found in dog food and is also usually one of the cheapest types of meat. Including poultry in your four-legged friend's diet makes sense especially if he is a little overweight or if you simply want to provide him with easily digestible dog food.

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Rabbit meat is a type of meat that is both lean and rich in protein, making it ideal for very active dogs. Another advantage is that dogs generally digest and use rabbit meat easily.

How long do I cook meat for dogs?

When cooking meat for your furry friend, you should be careful not to cook the meat for too long. Since it depends a lot on the type of meat you are cooking and how big the pieces of meat are, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Ideally, the meat should only be cooked until it is done. This prevents too many of the nutrients from being lost and also prevents the meat from being overcooked.

Feed raw meat?

There is some debate as to whether cooked meat is the best choice for your four-legged friend. On the one hand, there are arguments for eating raw meat, for example when feeding your dog raw meat. However, there are also arguments for cooking meat, such as pork, which should never be fed raw to dogs as it can contain the Aujeszky virus and cause nerve damage in your four-legged friend.

Which meat for dogs with allergies?

As with humans, dogs can unfortunately suffer from allergies. Since allergies can occur with almost any food, it is difficult to determine which type of meat is best for dogs with allergies and whether raw meat or raw-fed meat is preferable. In general, it is a good idea to have lean meat on the menu for dogs, as it is generally considered to be healthier meat.


Most of our dogs love meat and usually have no problem eating different types of meat. There is a wide selection from beef to game and goat meat as well as poultry and fish. Which type of meat you give your four-legged friend depends primarily on how well it tolerates it and also on his taste preferences.

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