Wildfleisch für Hunde

Game meat for dogs

Game meat for dogs is becoming increasingly popular in dog nutrition. The healthy and tasty meat is not only a delicacy for four-legged friends, but is also easy to digest and suitable for sensitive dog stomachs. In this article you will get an overview of different types of game meat and important aspects that you should consider when feeding them.

Contents: Game meat for dogs

What is game meat about?

Game meat, also known as venison, refers to meat from animals that live in the wild. These animals are killed by hunters and then processed into meat. The term “game” includes various types of animals and meat. The most common types of game include red deer, stag and roe , wild boar and hare meat. Occasionally, more exotic, non-native game species such as ostrich andkangaroo are also referred to as game, provided they live in the wild and the meat does not come from factory farming.

Discover game meat for your four-legged friend in our shop!

Rabbit meat cubes
Rabbit meat cubes
Deer training snack
Deer training snack
Deer Lung Cube
Deer Lung Cube

Can dogs eat wild meat?

In dog nutrition, game meat is considered a highly valued delicacy. The dark and nutrient-rich meat is characterized by its aromatic taste and high nutritional value, making it particularly suitable for dogs. The remarkable taste of the meat is the result of the natural lifestyle of wild animals. Thanks to their varied diet and regular exercise, the meat is very low in fat and easy to digest.

Additionally, game meat offers a variety of health benefits for dogs. It is rich in proteins, which are essential for building muscle and maintaining a strong physical condition. It also contains important nutrients such as iron, zinc and vitamin B12, which contribute to the health of the skin, coat and immune system. Eating a natural wild meat diet can help reduce allergic reactions in dogs because it is less likely to cause food intolerances than some commercial foods.

For some dogs, game meat is particularly suitable

In principle, game meat is suitable for all dogs. Both puppies and adult and older dogs can benefit from adding game to their diet. Dogs with sensitive stomachs in particular can particularly benefit from the dark meat. Unlike other meats, game meat is hypoallergenic , meaning it extremely rarely causes allergic reactions, and it is easy to digest. If your dog often suffers from gastrointestinal problems or does not tolerate certain types of food well, it may be worth changing his diet and trying a dog food with game meat.

Why is game meat so healthy for dogs?

The low-fat game meat consists mainly of muscle meat, which provides the dog with important proteins and plenty of energy. But that's not all: wild game contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients that are extremely beneficial for dogs' health.

Barfen with game meat

Raw game is mainly used for barfing . The so-called hoofed game, which includes deer, but also small game, which includes deer, hares and partridges, is suitable. Wild boar meat is an exception: raw wild boar meat is not suitable for barfing. The reason for this is that wild boar meat poses similar health risks to pork from domestic pigs, as it can transmit pathogens such as the Aujeszky virus or roundworms.

Are dried game meat suitable for snacks?

In addition to wet and dry food containing game, many stores also offer treats made from game meat. Snacks made from dried deer meat are particularly popular and well tolerated. These are not only extremely popular with dogs, but are also easy to digest. When buying such treats, it is important to look for natural products without added sugar or artificial preservatives. Careful selection ensures your dog receives healthy and tasty rewards that meet his nutritional needs.


In summary, game meat is an extremely beneficial addition to a dog's diet. Not only does it offer a rich taste and a variety of health benefits, but it is also easy to digest and hypoallergenic, making it particularly suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Eating a natural wild meat diet can help reduce allergic reactions and promote skin, coat and immune system health. Whether as wet or dry food, barf ingredient or as a dried snack - game meat is a welcome change in the dog bowl, giving your dog a balanced and tasty diet. However, when choosing game meat products, it is important to pay attention to quality and naturalness to ensure that your dog receives the best possible nutrition.

Discover game meat for your four-legged friend in our shop!

Rabbit meat cubes
Rabbit meat cubes
Deer training snack
Deer training snack
Deer Lung Cube
Deer Lung Cube
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