
Der Hundekauf

Buying a dog

Although buying a dog is a very emotional matter, you should not rush into anything and always find out as much information about the seller as possible before making the...

Buying a dog

Although buying a dog is a very emotional matter, you should not rush into anything and always find out as much information about the seller as possible before making the...

Fleisch für Hunde

Meat for dogs

Most of our dogs love meat and usually have no problem consuming different types of meat. There is a wide selection from beef to game and goat meat as well...

Meat for dogs

Most of our dogs love meat and usually have no problem consuming different types of meat. There is a wide selection from beef to game and goat meat as well...

Hundesport - welche Hundesportarten gibt es?

Dog sports - what dog sports are there?

Sport is trendy in all possible facets. There is hardly a sport that is not enjoying growing popularity. And it's the same with dog sports . This is not only...

Dog sports - what dog sports are there?

Sport is trendy in all possible facets. There is hardly a sport that is not enjoying growing popularity. And it's the same with dog sports . This is not only...

Getreide - gut oder schlecht für Hunde?

Grains - good or bad for dogs?

A healthy diet is the key to health. More and more people are becoming aware of this and are becoming more and more informed about healthy and unhealthy foods. Grain...

Grains - good or bad for dogs?

A healthy diet is the key to health. More and more people are becoming aware of this and are becoming more and more informed about healthy and unhealthy foods. Grain...

Hunde im Zug mitnehmen - geht das so einfach?

Taking dogs on the train - is it that easy?

Traveling by train is such a thing. Some like to take the train, others not at all. But almost everyone agrees that Deutsche Bahn is in a terrible state. You...

Taking dogs on the train - is it that easy?

Traveling by train is such a thing. Some like to take the train, others not at all. But almost everyone agrees that Deutsche Bahn is in a terrible state. You...

Kampf- und Listenhunde - Was es zu wissen gib

Fighting and cunning dogs - what you need to know

Fighting dogs were originally dogs bred for gruesome competitions between dogs. Dogs were goaded and sent to the “pit” box. You could bet on the winner of the two dogs....

Fighting and cunning dogs - what you need to know

Fighting dogs were originally dogs bred for gruesome competitions between dogs. Dogs were goaded and sent to the “pit” box. You could bet on the winner of the two dogs....