


Here you will find comprehensive information about Bracken, probably one of the oldest groups of hunting dog breeds. Bracken are also often referred to as hunting dogs or scent hounds...


Here you will find comprehensive information about Bracken, probably one of the oldest groups of hunting dog breeds. Bracken are also often referred to as hunting dogs or scent hounds...

Allergien beim Hund

Allergy in dogs - things you should consider

One in five dogs could be affected by an allergy, with common forms that are easily treatable. Proper diagnosis and therapy, often in the form of allergy testing and specialized...

Allergy in dogs - things you should consider

One in five dogs could be affected by an allergy, with common forms that are easily treatable. Proper diagnosis and therapy, often in the form of allergy testing and specialized...

Vegetarisches Hundefutter

Vegetarian dog food - what you need to know

The vegetarian diet for dogs is gaining popularity, but it is not suitable for every dog. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of plant-based food for your dog and...

Vegetarian dog food - what you need to know

The vegetarian diet for dogs is gaining popularity, but it is not suitable for every dog. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of plant-based food for your dog and...


Browsing dogs

Stöberhunde - The breeds and their specific characteristics and peculiarities are presented in detail here.

Browsing dogs

Stöberhunde - The breeds and their specific characteristics and peculiarities are presented in detail here.

Impfung beim Hund – Alles von Pflichtimpfungen bis Impfschema

Vaccination for dogs – everything from compulso...

The topic of vaccination has become a religious war in recent years. But it is undisputed that they help. Not just for us humans, but also for our dogs. If...

Vaccination for dogs – everything from compulso...

The topic of vaccination has become a religious war in recent years. But it is undisputed that they help. Not just for us humans, but also for our dogs. If...

Trächtigkeit beim Hund feststellen - So geht es

Detecting pregnancy in a dog - this is how it w...

When dogs have offspring, it is always an exciting matter. Whether it is a planned pregnancy or perhaps a “small accident”, you should always think about how you can support...

Detecting pregnancy in a dog - this is how it w...

When dogs have offspring, it is always an exciting matter. Whether it is a planned pregnancy or perhaps a “small accident”, you should always think about how you can support...