
Hundefutter - was gibt es für Futterarten?

Dog food - what types of food are there?

Dog food varieties are a dime a dozen. Manufacturers seem to want to outdo each other with ever new flavors and ever healthier food for our favorite four-legged friends. But...

Dog food - what types of food are there?

Dog food varieties are a dime a dozen. Manufacturers seem to want to outdo each other with ever new flavors and ever healthier food for our favorite four-legged friends. But...

Hunde im Garten - Tipps und Ideen für ein tolles Gartenerlebnis

Dogs in the garden - tips and ideas for a great...

A dog that plays happily in the garden is a classic wish of many dog ​​owners. However, so that your four-legged friend can play in the garden without worries, some...

Dogs in the garden - tips and ideas for a great...

A dog that plays happily in the garden is a classic wish of many dog ​​owners. However, so that your four-legged friend can play in the garden without worries, some...

Welpen stubenrein bekommen - was du tun kannst

Getting puppies house trained - what you can do

The only way to house train your dog is through consistency and patience. At fixed times and after waking up, playing and eating, he must always be brought to the...

Getting puppies house trained - what you can do

The only way to house train your dog is through consistency and patience. At fixed times and after waking up, playing and eating, he must always be brought to the...

Hypoallergenes Hundefutter

Hypoallergenic dog food - a guide

Allergies can also make life difficult for our dogs. Hypoallergenic dog food is designed to relieve discomfort and increase well-being by reducing irritation. It features simple compositions and avoids known...

Hypoallergenic dog food - a guide

Allergies can also make life difficult for our dogs. Hypoallergenic dog food is designed to relieve discomfort and increase well-being by reducing irritation. It features simple compositions and avoids known...

Barfen für Hunde

Barfing for dogs

The dog's individual food needs can be well served by barfing. However, it should be noted that you also have the responsibility to put together the food accordingly and to...

Barfing for dogs

The dog's individual food needs can be well served by barfing. However, it should be noted that you also have the responsibility to put together the food accordingly and to...


Puppy food - what you need to know

Anyone who has taken on responsibility for a small puppy feels obliged to do everything possible to ensure that the little four-legged friend only gets the best of the best...

Puppy food - what you need to know

Anyone who has taken on responsibility for a small puppy feels obliged to do everything possible to ensure that the little four-legged friend only gets the best of the best...