
Nachhaltige Hundehaltung leicht gemacht

Sustainable dog ownership made easy

Dogs are simply wonderful - they are loyal companions, sweet balls of fur and real family members. Their playful nature and unconditional love enrich our lives in so many ways....

Sustainable dog ownership made easy

Dogs are simply wonderful - they are loyal companions, sweet balls of fur and real family members. Their playful nature and unconditional love enrich our lives in so many ways....

Handscheue Hunde verstehen und unterstützen

Understanding and supporting hand-shy dogs

Hand shyness in dogs is a behavior that often leaves owners baffled. If a dog is hesitant to be touched or clearly shows that he is wary of human hands,...

Understanding and supporting hand-shy dogs

Hand shyness in dogs is a behavior that often leaves owners baffled. If a dog is hesitant to be touched or clearly shows that he is wary of human hands,...

Hunde im Auto - So reist dein Vierbeiner sicher

Dogs in the car - How to keep your four-legged ...

Every dog ​​owner knows it: your loyal four-legged friend looks on with wide eyes when you set off. So why not just take him with you? A car trip with...

Dogs in the car - How to keep your four-legged ...

Every dog ​​owner knows it: your loyal four-legged friend looks on with wide eyes when you set off. So why not just take him with you? A car trip with...

Vergiftung beim Hund

Poisoning in dogs

We know it. Despite months of arduous training, your four-legged friend is eating something that he shouldn't be eating. Unfortunately, it happens far too often that your dog ingests something...

Poisoning in dogs

We know it. Despite months of arduous training, your four-legged friend is eating something that he shouldn't be eating. Unfortunately, it happens far too often that your dog ingests something...

Grillen mit Hund - Sicherheitstipps für gemütliche Sommerabende

Grilling with a dog - safety tips for cosy summ...

A warm summer evening, the quiet crackling of the grill and the tempting smell of grilled meat and vegetables are in the air. Friends and family sit together, laugh and...

Grilling with a dog - safety tips for cosy summ...

A warm summer evening, the quiet crackling of the grill and the tempting smell of grilled meat and vegetables are in the air. Friends and family sit together, laugh and...

Hundeerziehung - Grundkommandos spielerisch üben

Dog training - practicing basic commands in a p...

Training a dog is one of the most important tasks for every dog ​​owner. Basic commands such as "sit", "down" or "come" are essential to ensure a harmonious coexistence. But...

Dog training - practicing basic commands in a p...

Training a dog is one of the most important tasks for every dog ​​owner. Basic commands such as "sit", "down" or "come" are essential to ensure a harmonious coexistence. But...