
Hundefreundlicher Urlaub in Deutschland

Dog-friendly holidays in Germany

Imagine you and your loyal four-legged friend setting off on new adventures together. Your dog's nose sniffs the fresh air curiously, his eyes light up with excitement, and his tail...

Dog-friendly holidays in Germany

Imagine you and your loyal four-legged friend setting off on new adventures together. Your dog's nose sniffs the fresh air curiously, his eyes light up with excitement, and his tail...

Die richtige Pflege für Seniorenhunde

The right care for senior dogs

Imagine that your faithful dog, who has accompanied you for years with his boundless energy and unwavering loyalty, is starting to turn a little grey around the muzzle. His movements...

The right care for senior dogs

Imagine that your faithful dog, who has accompanied you for years with his boundless energy and unwavering loyalty, is starting to turn a little grey around the muzzle. His movements...

Parasitenschutz für deinen Hund

Parasite protection for your dog

Parasites can have a significant impact on your dog's life. Whether fleas, ticks, worms or mites - these uninvited guests not only cause itching and discomfort, but can also cause...

Parasite protection for your dog

Parasites can have a significant impact on your dog's life. Whether fleas, ticks, worms or mites - these uninvited guests not only cause itching and discomfort, but can also cause...

Flöhe beim Hund

Fleas in dogs

Imagine your faithful companion secretly putting on a flea circus, with acrobats who never stop jumping and bloodsuckers who keep you itchy. Doesn't sound very appealing, does it? Fleas may...

Fleas in dogs

Imagine your faithful companion secretly putting on a flea circus, with acrobats who never stop jumping and bloodsuckers who keep you itchy. Doesn't sound very appealing, does it? Fleas may...

Alles über Assistenzhunde: Ihre Rolle und Ausbildung

All about assistance dogs: their role and training

Imagine having a companion who is always by your side, ready to help you in any situation - be it showing you the way when you can't see or warning...

All about assistance dogs: their role and training

Imagine having a companion who is always by your side, ready to help you in any situation - be it showing you the way when you can't see or warning...

Beliebtes Hundespielzeug: Was Hunde wirklich lieben

Popular dog toys: What dogs really love

Imagine you are a dog. Your day begins with a happy wag of the tail and ends with a contented sigh in your favorite spot. In between lies a universe...

Popular dog toys: What dogs really love

Imagine you are a dog. Your day begins with a happy wag of the tail and ends with a contented sigh in your favorite spot. In between lies a universe...