
Fliegen mit Hund

Flying with a dog

Before you travel with your dog by plane, you should think carefully about whether you really have to. Every flight is stressful for your animal, no matter how well you...

Flying with a dog

Before you travel with your dog by plane, you should think carefully about whether you really have to. Every flight is stressful for your animal, no matter how well you...

Wie viele Zähne hat ein Hund und wie wichtig ist die Zahnpflege?

How many teeth does a dog have and how importan...

A strong set of teeth and healthy teeth are very important for every dog. But how many teeth does a dog actually have? How does the change of teeth take...

How many teeth does a dog have and how importan...

A strong set of teeth and healthy teeth are very important for every dog. But how many teeth does a dog actually have? How does the change of teeth take...

Hundetraining - was du zum Thema wissen solltest

Dog training - what you should know about the t...

Training dogs means nothing more than learning and practicing. Individual dog training makes living together with the family and the environment easier. The dog-human relationship is deepened and strengthened. Good...

Dog training - what you should know about the t...

Training dogs means nothing more than learning and practicing. Individual dog training makes living together with the family and the environment easier. The dog-human relationship is deepened and strengthened. Good...

Reisen mit Hund: Packliste für den Sommerurlaub

Travelling with a dog: packing list for your su...

Summertime is travel time and for many dog ​​owners, that means taking their furry friend on an adventure. The idea of ​​exploring new places together is not only exciting, but...

Travelling with a dog: packing list for your su...

Summertime is travel time and for many dog ​​owners, that means taking their furry friend on an adventure. The idea of ​​exploring new places together is not only exciting, but...

Erste Hilfe bei Bienen - und Wespenstichen bei Hunden

First aid for bee and wasp stings in dogs

Ah, summer! Sunny days, endless walks and... oh yes, the inevitable bees and wasps that are hell-bent on our furry friends. While you might be enjoying an ice cream, your...

First aid for bee and wasp stings in dogs

Ah, summer! Sunny days, endless walks and... oh yes, the inevitable bees and wasps that are hell-bent on our furry friends. While you might be enjoying an ice cream, your...

Sommer-Fitnessprogramm für deinen Hund

Summer fitness program for your dog

Summer is the perfect opportunity to get active with your dog and improve their fitness - and yours too. With longer days and warmer weather, you and your four-legged friend...

Summer fitness program for your dog

Summer is the perfect opportunity to get active with your dog and improve their fitness - and yours too. With longer days and warmer weather, you and your four-legged friend...