
Fellwechsel beim Hund

Coat change in dogs

Spring is the beginning of an important phase for our dogs: the change of coat. As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, the dog loses its winter coat...

Coat change in dogs

Spring is the beginning of an important phase for our dogs: the change of coat. As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, the dog loses its winter coat...

Kauwurzeln für Hunde

Chewing roots for dogs

Dogs have an innate urge to chew, sometimes directed at unwanted objects such as shoes or furniture. Not only can this be annoying, but it can also cause expensive damage....

Chewing roots for dogs

Dogs have an innate urge to chew, sometimes directed at unwanted objects such as shoes or furniture. Not only can this be annoying, but it can also cause expensive damage....

Rindfleisch für Hunde

Beef for dogs

Do you want the best for your dog and are you wondering what role beef should play in dog food? This comprehensive blog article offers you an in-depth exploration of...

Beef for dogs

Do you want the best for your dog and are you wondering what role beef should play in dog food? This comprehensive blog article offers you an in-depth exploration of...

Kauartikel für Hunde

Chews for dogs

Dog chews serve much more than just a simple reward or short-term pleasure. They not only offer an excellent opportunity for relaxation and stress management for your four-legged friend, but...

Chews for dogs

Dog chews serve much more than just a simple reward or short-term pleasure. They not only offer an excellent opportunity for relaxation and stress management for your four-legged friend, but...

Wie Du Deinen Hund sicher auf Fahrradtouren mitnimmst

How to safely take your dog on bike rides

Cycling is not only a great way to improve your fitness, but it also offers the perfect opportunity to strengthen your bond with your dog. But while the idea of...

How to safely take your dog on bike rides

Cycling is not only a great way to improve your fitness, but it also offers the perfect opportunity to strengthen your bond with your dog. But while the idea of...

Straußenfleisch für Hunde

Ostrich meat for dogs

Ostrich meat for dogs is increasingly proving to be a recommended alternative to classic meats such as chicken and beef for our furry companions. The reasons for this are varied,...

Ostrich meat for dogs

Ostrich meat for dogs is increasingly proving to be a recommended alternative to classic meats such as chicken and beef for our furry companions. The reasons for this are varied,...