
Futter für alte Hunde

Food for old dogs

The nutrition of older dogs requires special attention as their needs change with age. It is important to understand how metabolism and energy requirements change over time and what adjustments...

Food for old dogs

The nutrition of older dogs requires special attention as their needs change with age. It is important to understand how metabolism and energy requirements change over time and what adjustments...

Büffelfleisch für Hunde

Buffalo meat for dogs

Buffalo meat for dogs: When talking about buffalo meat, it usually refers to the meat of the water buffalo. Dog food with buffalo is an excellent alternative for sensitive or...

Buffalo meat for dogs

Buffalo meat for dogs: When talking about buffalo meat, it usually refers to the meat of the water buffalo. Dog food with buffalo is an excellent alternative for sensitive or...

Kamelfleisch für Hunde

Camel meat for dogs

Camel meat for dogs has long been known as a healthy insider tip among dog owners, although it is rarely used in European cuisine. The camel or Bactrian camel, known...

Camel meat for dogs

Camel meat for dogs has long been known as a healthy insider tip among dog owners, although it is rarely used in European cuisine. The camel or Bactrian camel, known...

Lammfleisch für Hunde

Lamb for dogs

Lamb meat for dogs offers a valuable alternative for dogs. These lean meats are rich in important nutrients, easy to digest and particularly suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Below...

Lamb for dogs

Lamb meat for dogs offers a valuable alternative for dogs. These lean meats are rich in important nutrients, easy to digest and particularly suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Below...

Kalbfleisch für Hunde

Veal for dogs

Veal, which comes from cattle aged a few weeks to about three months, is characterized by its tenderness and light color compared to meat from adult cattle. Nevertheless, it is...

Veal for dogs

Veal, which comes from cattle aged a few weeks to about three months, is characterized by its tenderness and light color compared to meat from adult cattle. Nevertheless, it is...

Hundeernährung im Frühling: Leichte Kost für aktive Hunde

Dog nutrition in spring: light food for active ...

With the awakening of spring, not only does the desire for more activity increase in us humans, but our four-legged friends also show their liveliest side. The days are getting...

Dog nutrition in spring: light food for active ...

With the awakening of spring, not only does the desire for more activity increase in us humans, but our four-legged friends also show their liveliest side. The days are getting...