Fellpflege beim Hund

Grooming your dog

Grooming your dog is far more than just a cosmetic matter. It is an essential part of dog ownership and plays a central role in the health and well-being of your four-legged friend. A well-groomed coat protects against the elements, prevents skin problems and keeps annoying parasites at bay. In addition, regular grooming promotes blood circulation and distributes the skin's natural oils, resulting in a shiny and healthy coat.

Content: Grooming your dog

But grooming is not only functional, it is also an important way to strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Many dogs enjoy the attention and gentle brushing, which gives them a feeling of relaxation and security. These shared grooming moments deepen the trust and relationship between you and your dog.

Whether short-haired, long-haired, wiry or curly - every coat has its own needs and requires specific care. The right tools and techniques make grooming not only more efficient, but also more pleasant for your dog. With patience, regular care and the right equipment, you can ensure that your dog's coat always stays in top condition and that he feels completely comfortable. Grooming is therefore more than just a ritual - it is an important part of caring for your dog, which is reflected in his health and well-being.

Why grooming is important

Grooming is important for several reasons. Firstly, it contributes to your dog's general health by keeping the coat clean and free of mats. Secondly, regular brushing strengthens the bond between dog and owner and provides a good opportunity to examine the dog for skin changes or parasites.

Health benefits

A well-groomed coat helps prevent skin diseases by removing dirt and dead hair. It promotes blood circulation and distributes the skin's natural oils, resulting in a shiny and healthy coat. In addition, regular brushing can detect and remove ticks, fleas and other parasites early. The distribution of natural oils helps keep the skin supple and healthy and prevents dryness or flaking.

Regular grooming also plays an important role in your dog's thermoregulation. A clean and well-groomed coat insulates better against cold and heat and helps regulate your dog's body temperature. Neglected grooming can impair the natural protective mechanisms and make the dog more vulnerable to extreme weather conditions.

Strengthening the bond

Grooming is also a wonderful way to deepen your relationship with your dog. Many dogs enjoy the attention and gentle brushing, which leads to a feeling of relaxation. This time together builds trust and a bond between you and your dog. While you are grooming, you can also check your dog for any health changes, allowing for early detection of problems.

In addition, regular grooming reduces the amount of loose hair and dander in your home, which not only ensures a cleaner environment but can also prevent allergies. Clean and well-groomed fur therefore also contributes to a more pleasant coexistence.

Different coat types and their care

Dogs have different coat types, each requiring specific care. It's important to know your dog's needs to ensure proper care. Here are some of the most common coat types and how they should be cared for:


Short-haired dogs like boxers or dalmatians generally require less grooming than long-haired breeds. However, regular grooming is still essential for these dogs to keep their coats healthy and clean. However, brushing once a week is often enough to remove loose hair and keep the coat shiny. A rubber curry comb or brush with soft bristles is ideal for this. This type of brush gently massages your dog's skin, stimulates circulation, and distributes natural oils, resulting in a shiny and healthy coat. In addition, regular brushing helps remove dirt and dust from the coat and minimizes the risk of skin irritation. Even with short-haired dogs, it is important to check them regularly for parasites such as fleas or ticks.


Long-haired dogs, such as long-haired collies or Afghan hounds, require significantly more grooming. Their long, thick coats tend to mat easily, so daily brushing is essential. A wire brush and comb are useful for removing tangles and keeping the coat neat. For long-haired dogs, brushing can be time-consuming, but it is crucial for keeping the coat healthy and preventing mats, which can be painful and difficult to remove. An added benefit of regular grooming is that you have the opportunity to check your dog's skin for signs of problems, such as skin irritations or parasites . Long-haired dogs also benefit from occasional baths with a special dog shampoo, which helps keep the coat clean and free of dirt.

Wire or rough hair

Wire or rough-haired dogs like Wire Fox Terriers require a special grooming procedure called "trimming" or "stripping," which involves removing dead hair by hand. This method helps keep the coat healthy and neat and encourages new hair to grow back. Trimming should be done every few months, depending on your dog's coat texture and individual needs. While this grooming requires a little more skill and patience, it can help keep your dog's coat in top condition. If you're unsure how to properly perform trimming, it may be helpful to see a professional groomer. A professional trimmer will have the experience and knowledge to best care for your dog's coat and ensure it stays healthy and well-groomed.

Curly fur

Dogs with curly coats, such as poodles or bichon frisés , need to be brushed and clipped regularly to prevent matting. Curly coats tend to lie tighter and can mat more quickly if not properly cared for. A de-matting comb and scissors are important tools for grooming this coat type. Brushing should be done at least several times a week, and ideally daily, to prevent knots and mats. In addition to regular brushing and combing, it's important to trim or clip curly coats every few weeks to keep them in shape and minimize the risk of matting. As with other coat types, be sure to check your dog's skin regularly for signs of irritation or parasites. Curly coats can also benefit from special grooming products that make the hair smooth and easy to comb.

Each coat type requires its own special care, and it's important to know your dog's needs to ensure their coat stays healthy and shiny. Regular grooming will not only promote your dog's well-being, but will also strengthen the bond with your loyal companion.

Influence of nutrition on coat health

The quality of the diet is a fundamental aspect of dog grooming as it directly affects the health and condition of the coat. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients plays a crucial role in promoting a shiny, strong coat and healthy skin.

Essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6, are indispensable because they have anti-inflammatory effects and strengthen the skin barrier. These fatty acids are found mainly in fish oil and some vegetable oils, which can be added to high-quality dog ​​food or administered as a supplement.

  • Salmon talers mini: These chews are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon talers mini can have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the skin barrier.
  • Trout cubes mini: These small snacks are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can support your dog's coat health. Trout cubes mini can provide a delicious and healthy option.
  • Mackerel cubes mini: Mackerel cubes mini contain many omega-3 fatty acids and can help improve the coat structure.
  • Flounder cubes mini: These chews are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Flounder cubes mini can support the skin and coat health of your four-legged friend.
  • Cod cubes mini: Cod cubes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can contribute to the general health of the coat.
  • Salmon Skin Strips: Salmon skin strips are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. These strips can support healthy skin and a shiny coat.

Vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin A and biotin are also important for skin health and coat care. Vitamin E protects skin cells from oxidative stress and promotes skin healing, while vitamin A is important for skin cell growth and repair. Biotin, a B vitamin, is essential for the production of keratin, the building block of coat, and can help prevent hair loss and brittle coat.

In addition to fatty acids and vitamins, minerals such as zinc and selenium are also important. Zinc supports skin repair and wound healing, while selenium acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the immune system. A deficiency in these nutrients can lead to dull coats, dandruff, and even serious skin conditions.

It is therefore important that dog owners ensure that their dog is fed a diet that is specifically tailored to their dog's needs. This may mean choosing a specialised commercial dog food or, after consulting a veterinarian, creating an individually tailored diet. Regularly reviewing your dog's diet to ensure it contains all the necessary nutrients for a healthy coat is an essential part of holistic coat care.

Pamper your four-legged friend with our delicious chews!

Useful tools and products for coat care

The right tools and grooming products are crucial for effective grooming. With the right equipment, you can ensure that your dog's coat stays healthy, shiny and tangle-free. Here are some recommended tools:

Brushes and combs

Depending on the type of coat, you will need different brushes and combs. Rubber curry combs are ideal for short-haired dogs as they remove loose hair while massaging the skin. Wire brushes are particularly useful for long-haired dogs to penetrate deep into the coat and remove tangles. Soft bristle brushes are great for sensitive areas and for final grooming to give the coat a beautiful shine. De-matting combs are specially designed for dogs with thick or curly coats to gently remove knots and tangles. There are also special combs such as flea combs that help to detect and remove parasites early.

Shampoos and conditioners

Use special dog shampoos and conditioners that are tailored to the needs of your dog's skin and coat. These products are pH-neutral and often contain soothing and nourishing ingredients such as aloe vera, oatmeal or chamomile, which prevent skin irritation and keep the coat supple. Avoid human products as they can irritate your dog's skin. There are also special shampoos for different coat types, skin problems or parasite infestations that can be used to treat specific problems.

Clippers and scissors

For dogs with long or curly hair, clippers and scissors are important to keep the coat in shape and prevent matting. Clippers are available in different sizes and with different attachments to trim the coat evenly. A high-quality clipper with sharp blades is essential to achieve a clean result and not damage the coat. Scissors are often used for fine work, such as trimming around the eyes, ears and paws, where precision is required. It is important to maintain and clean the clippers and scissors regularly to ensure optimal performance.

Paw and coat care products

There are special sprays and lotions that can care for the coat and prevent matting. Detangling sprays make brushing and combing easier by making the coat smoother and loosening knots. Shine sprays give the coat a beautiful shine and care for the skin at the same time. Paw balm protects the pads from cracking and dryness, especially in the winter months or on rough surfaces. Products such as ear cleaner and dental care are also part of a comprehensive care program and contribute to your dog's general health.

Additional care tools

In addition to the basic tools, there are a variety of additions that can make grooming easier and better. A fur vacuum attachment can help remove loose hair directly while brushing, which is particularly useful for high-shedding breeds. Cooling mats or jackets can help increase your dog's well-being in the summer by preventing overheating. Special grooming gloves allow for gentle massage and cleaning of the coat, which can be particularly beneficial for sensitive dogs.

Choosing the right tools and grooming products is crucial for effective and enjoyable grooming. With the right equipment, you can ensure that your dog's coat is always healthy and well-groomed, while strengthening the bond with your four-legged friend.

Tips for proper coat care

To make grooming as pleasant as possible for you and your dog, here are some practical tips:


Make sure you establish a regular grooming routine. Depending on the coat type, this may be required daily, weekly, or monthly. Regularity will help keep the coat in good condition and prevent major problems. Short-haired dogs may only need weekly brushing, while long-haired or curly breeds may need daily grooming to prevent matting and knots. Regular grooming not only keeps the dog looking great, but also promotes skin and coat health by removing dirt and dead skin cells. Additionally, a set routine allows your dog to get used to grooming times, making the whole process less stressful.

Patience and calm

Be patient and calm during grooming. Your dog will sense your mood and be more relaxed if you are calm and relaxed yourself. Start slowly and gradually increase the grooming time so your dog gets used to it. If you notice your dog getting restless, take a break and try again later. A calm and positive approach will help your dog find grooming a pleasant experience. Use gentle movements and speak soothingly to your dog to make him feel safe. This calmness and patience will encourage your dog to trust you and make grooming a positive bonding experience.


Use training treats and praise to reward your dog during and after grooming. This makes the experience more positive and enjoyable for your dog. Positive reinforcement helps your dog associate grooming with positive feelings and look forward to the next grooming session. Reward your dog immediately after each successful grooming session to strengthen the connection between the action and the reward. Vary the rewards to keep motivation high, and also use verbal recognition and petting to show your dog that he has done something good. Using rewards can also help your dog remain patient and be more cooperative.

Be careful with matting

Be careful when removing tangles to avoid damaging your dog's skin. Use a de-tangling comb and slowly work your way through the matted coat. Start at the tips of the tangles and gradually work your way toward the roots to avoid pain and pulling. For severe tangles, it may be helpful to see a professional groomer who has the necessary tools and techniques to detangle the coat safely and effectively. If you do it yourself, hold your dog's skin near the tangle to minimize pulling, and be patient and gentle. Regularly trimming the coat can also help prevent tangles and keep the hair easier to comb.

By following these tips, you can make grooming a pleasant and stress-free experience for both you and your dog. This will not only promote your dog's health, but will also strengthen the special bond between you.

Common problems and solutions

Sometimes grooming problems can arise, such as skin irritation or excessive shedding. Here are some solutions to common problems:

Skin irritations

If your dog shows skin irritation after grooming, check the products used. Your dog may be reacting to certain ingredients. Switch to hypoallergenic grooming products and consult a veterinarian if problems persist. Hypoallergenic shampoos and conditioners are specially formulated to be gentle on sensitive skin and minimize irritation. Make sure the products are free of artificial colors and fragrances, as these can often trigger allergic reactions. Additionally, it can be helpful to check your dog's skin regularly for redness, swelling, or unusual spots to intervene early. Eating a balanced diet and avoiding over-grooming can also help reduce skin irritation.

Excessive hair loss

Some dogs shed more than others. Regular brushing will help remove loose hair and reduce shedding. A balanced diet can also help minimize shedding and keep the coat healthy. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, found in fish oil and certain supplements, can improve coat health and reduce shedding. Additionally, make sure your dog is not under stress, as stress can be another factor in excessive shedding. Regular visits to the vet will help ensure there are no health problems that could be causing shedding. If shedding continues despite all measures, a veterinary examination may be necessary to rule out possible skin conditions or allergies.


If the matting is severe, it may be necessary to trim or clip the coat. If you are unsure how to remove mats, seek out a professional groomer to care for your dog's coat. Regular brushing and combing will help prevent matting by removing loose hair and detangling the coat. If you choose to remove mats yourself, work slowly and carefully so as not to injure your dog's skin. A detangling spray can help soften the hair and make detangling easier. For particularly stubborn mats, it may be helpful to divide the coat into small sections and work on them one at a time. Use a special detangling comb designed to remove knots without damaging the coat. If matting is a recurring problem, it may be necessary to adjust grooming habits and schedule more frequent brushing sessions.

By following these solutions, you can effectively address common grooming problems for your dog and ensure that his coat stays healthy and well-groomed. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your grooming routine will help identify and correct problems early before they get worse.

Professional grooming

Sometimes it makes sense to seek the help of a professional dog groomer. These experts have the knowledge and tools to provide the best possible care for your dog's coat.

Visit a dog groomer if:

  • The fur is very matted and you cannot untangle it yourself. Matting can be not only unsightly, but also painful for your dog. A professional dog groomer has the necessary tools and techniques to remove even the most stubborn matting without damaging your dog's skin.
  • Your dog is a breed that requires regular trimming or clipping. Some dog breeds, such as terriers or poodles, have special coat structures that require regular trimming or clipping to stay healthy. Professional dog groomers are trained to properly care for the coats of such breeds and ensure that they are always in top condition.
  • You don't have the time or ability to do the grooming yourself. Life can be hectic sometimes, and it's not always easy to find the time for a thorough grooming. A dog groomer can take on this task and give you the security that your dog will still receive the necessary care.

Benefits of professional care

Professional dog groomers can not only take care of your dog's coat, but can also identify and treat skin problems early on. They also offer a variety of services such as bathing , cutting, trimming and de-matting. A professional dog groomer has special shampoos and care products that are tailored to your dog's needs and prevent skin irritation. In addition, they can expertly trim your dog's nails, clean his ears and even perform dental cleanings. Another advantage is that dog groomers often create a calming environment that minimizes stress for your dog. They are trained to deal with nervous or anxious dogs and make grooming as comfortable as possible.

Professional grooming also offers the advantage of ensuring your dog is thoroughly examined at regular intervals. An experienced groomer can spot signs of skin diseases, parasites or other health problems early on and alert you so that you can see a vet in time. In addition, a visit to the groomer can improve your dog's well-being by making him feel clean and well-groomed.

By using professional grooming services, you can ensure that your dog is always well-groomed and healthy, even if you don't have the time or skills to do it yourself. Investing in a groomer can help improve your dog's quality of life and health in the long run.


Grooming your dog is much more than just a routine task - it's a sign of care and love. We've learned that a well-groomed coat not only looks beautiful, but also contributes to your dog's health and well-being. Regular brushing distributes the skin's natural oils, prevents skin problems and keeps parasites away.

Each coat type, whether short, long, wiry or curly, requires special care and the right tools, such as rubber curry combs, wire brushes and de-tangling combs. Hypoallergenic grooming products and a balanced diet can reduce skin irritation and excessive shedding.

Regularity, patience and rewards are the keys to successful grooming. A relaxed grooming environment makes the process more pleasant for you and your dog. If the dog is very matted or has special grooming needs, a professional dog groomer can help.

Ultimately, grooming strengthens the bond between you and your dog and contributes to his health and happiness. Enjoy these special moments and make grooming a regular part of your routine together. Your dog will thank you.

High quality dog ​​chews for your loyal companion available here!

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