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What makes good dog food?

Healthy food is essential for many people and is very much in vogue. This applies not only to us two-legged creatures, but also to our favorite four-legged friends, the dog (and cats too, of course, but that's not what we're talking about here)! But the market is full of dog food manufacturers, all of whom produce the healthiest food that humanity has ever produced and will continue to produce in the future.

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Why healthy is good

A healthy diet is less about maintaining a higher level of health or higher honors, but rather about avoiding illnesses and deficiencies. We see the consequences of poor nutrition best in humans, as the number of overweight people and related illnesses is increasing almost worldwide. The reasons are supposedly well known: unhealthy food and too little exercise. Often the industry is not innocent either, selling its products as healthy and concealing the actual ingredients. This trickery is even more pronounced with dog food, and among the many offers that are advertised at great expense, you have to look closely to find a really healthy dog ​​food.

In dogs, as in humans, the side effects of bad food often only become apparent after years. But some can also be recognized immediately. Diarrhea , coat problems or allergies are just a few examples.

What makes good dog food?

Good ingredients make good dog food. It's actually that simple. But the reality is different, because manufacturers are subject to strong competition and have to compete economically. It can quickly come down to pennies in manufacturing methods or ingredients, which can add up to large amounts when large quantities are produced.

In order to make their dog food look better, despite cheap ingredients or a small amount of a certain ingredient, manufacturers use a simple trick. They keep the exact composition to themselves and prefer to name ingredient groups or simply omit the percentages for the individual ingredients. For example, instead of the actual type of meat, they often just say “ meat ” on the packaging. Manufacturers of good dog food don’t need to do this. They provide detailed information about the ingredients.

To counteract this behavior, you should arm yourself with the appropriate knowledge and adjust your purchasing power when buying dog food.

What you should pay attention to

In addition to the honest and unencrypted list of ingredients on the packaging, the contents must also be good. Good dog food should contain high-quality muscle meat. The proportion should be around 50%. Protein is also needed, for example from eggs or liver. Some carbohydrates are also important, along with vitamins and trace elements.

Should not be included:

  • Sugar
  • Dyes
  • Preservatives
  • Flavour enhancers

Pay attention to the following terms:

  • Animal by-products
  • Vegetable by-products:
  • Nut shells, awns, etc.

It is also important how the ingredients are processed. Cold-pressed dry food is known for its gentle production. The food is not heated to such a high temperature during production, which means that valuable ingredients are retained. However, if grain is added, it may not be heated to a high enough temperature to be easily digestible for the dog.

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Many people also don't know that animal testing is still an issue in animal feed production. The sometimes cruel methods used are shocking and completely unnecessary.

You can find out more about this topic at PETA.

How do I know if the dog food is good for my dog?

Every dog ​​has different needs. Not only do dogs have different tastes, but they may also have allergies or illnesses that make them react badly to certain dog foods.

Your four-legged friend's stools can provide clues as the better he can digest the food, the less comes out the back. It also smells less and has a firmer consistency. So if your dog poops more than once or twice a day, then perhaps he is not eating well.

Is grain good for dogs?

Yes and no. Basically, the myth that grain is completely safe and intolerant to every dog ​​or that it will sooner or later lead to an allergy is not true. There are dogs that cannot tolerate it and react negatively to it. For example, with diarrhea. But grain is not the same as grain. In our article: Grain - good or bad for dogs you will find all the important information on the subject.

And if your dog can't tolerate grains, there are plenty of manufacturers of grain-free dog food. In any case, grains should never be the main part of the dog food, even if your dog tolerates it well.

What about BARF?

BARF is another way to feed your dog. The advantages are obvious, because only here do you really have full control over what goes into the dog's bowl. The ingredients are also fresher and compared to high-quality dog ​​food it can even be cheaper. The disadvantage is that it is very time-consuming.

If you want to learn more about the topic, we have the right article for you here: BARF for dogs

Vegetarian diet for dogs?

Not every four-legged friend likes meat or can tolerate it. Through the domestication of our dogs, they have learned to absorb nutrients from plant-based foods. So grains , vegetables and fruit are also an option for dogs.

However, under no circumstances should the dog be given vegetarian dog food just because the owner does it that way. The decision should always be based on the dog's health and tolerance. And the vegetarian feeding method is also rather time-consuming and requires some experience.

If you want to learn more about Vegetarian Dog Food, follow the link.

Wet or dry food?

There is basically only one difference between dry food and wet food from a can: the liquid. So it's up to you, but wet food naturally has the disadvantage that it is much heavier and often comes in environmentally unfriendly cans or aluminum packaging. In addition, some types of dry food can be softened with water, which makes them similar to wet food and takes away the only advantage in comparison: the liquid they contain.

There is another difference, however, because the two types of food take different amounts of time to digest. Therefore, you should be careful when mixing wet and dry food, or better not do it. Dogs may react to the dog food mix with diarrhea.


Whatever dog food you end up choosing, you will need some of your time to get to grips with the subject. You need to get to know your dog's needs and, over time, tailor the dog food to these. With the help of our tips, you can now check the quality of dog food yourself. And don't be too tempted by discounts when it comes to dog food. Otherwise, you may end up paying the bill at the vet years later.

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