Getreide - gut oder schlecht für Hunde?

Grains - good or bad for dogs?

A healthy diet is the key to health. More and more people are realizing this and are therefore becoming more and more informed about healthy and unhealthy foods. Grains are one of those foods that have been under closer scrutiny for several years and are now often viewed critically, at least in part. This is especially true for dogs and their dog food. Is grain bad for dogs ?

As we know, dogs are descended from wolves and are therefore pure carnivores. Grains therefore have no place in dog food . This is an argument used by many who reject grain for their four-legged friends. Dog food manufacturers in particular promote grain-free foods as being particularly healthy and digestible. But is that really the case? We'll clarify!

Content: Grains – good or bad for dogs?

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What is grain anyway?

To get to the bottom of the matter, we should first be aware that there are different types of grains. They all have advantages and disadvantages. What they all have in common, however, is that they provide an energy-rich source of protein.

The most popular types of grain are:

  • Wheat
  • Spelt
  • rye
  • barley
  • Corn
  • rice
  • millet

The advantage of grain

The clear advantage of grain is also the reason why we humans have been processing it into food for centuries: it contains many nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins. The cultivation of grain and the associated sedentary lifestyle made it possible for our modern society to emerge.

The disadvantage of grain

Gluten is the component of some types of grain that gives them a bad reputation. Gluten-free products have been a common sight in supermarkets for a number of years now, and dog food is also following this trend. It is undisputed that gluten is not only intolerant to some people, but also to some dogs. This intolerance to gluten is also known as celiac disease.

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Can dogs tolerate grains?

Gluten is only one reason why grains are not very popular with some dog lovers. It is assumed that dogs, which are known to have descended from wolves, are all pure meat eaters, i.e. carnivores. Now you have to know that even wolves in their natural state also ate plant-based foods, at least with the stomach contents of their hunted prey. Although these plants were already pre-digested, there is no denying the fact that wolves did not just eat pure meat.

And with our dogs, things are different again.

Dogs have been living alongside humans for hundreds of years, and over the course of this time our beloved four-legged friends have gradually become omnivores, which also includes us humans.

Dogs therefore need more than a one-sided diet of meat. In fact, feeding them only meat can be unhealthy. It is important that they receive a balanced diet instead, and this can include grains, but also vegetables such as potatoes or carrots.

But as with most things in life, the same applies to dog food. The dose makes the poison. Cheap dog food is therefore often not suitable because the manufacturers add far too much grain, as it is cheaper than other ingredients.

Grain-free dog food

Of course, anyone who wants to can avoid grains right from the start and feed more vegetables and fruit instead. But the general opinion that grains are unhealthy per se is not true.

But it is also true that dogs can develop a gluten intolerance. There are also many different dog breeds, some of which are much more primitive and closer to wolves than others. This can also be a deciding factor as to whether grain is a good idea for dogs . Grain-free dog food is therefore very often offered by manufacturers.

The advantages and disadvantages:


In conclusion, it cannot be said that dog food without grains is fundamentally healthier. As in most areas of life, a middle ground is the best for most people and there is no easy solution. It is important to note that not all the rules that apply to humans also apply to dogs.

Grain-free diets are trendy and there is every reason for that. But dog food manufacturers, like most companies, are subject to a certain amount of pressure. Sales have to be increased, customers have to be convinced and new products are constantly being developed to achieve this. Many of them make sense, but the marketing campaigns are sometimes too one-sided and, who would have thought, not always objective. It is important to buy good dog food and to engage with it, but you don't have to follow every trend.

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