Coton de Tulear

Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tuléar got its name from its unique coat and is also known as the cotton dog. This fluffy breed exudes joie de vivre and has been called the " antidepressant dog" by the French.

Content: Coton de Tulear

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Coton de Tulear - Profile

  • Character: Cheerful, loving, intelligent
  • Size: Small
  • Height: 25-30 cm
  • Weight: 3.5-6 kg
  • Life expectancy: 14-16 years
  • Coat type: Long, cotton-like
  • Colour: White may have some light grey or reddish brown markings
  • FCI Group: Companion and Toy Dogs

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Coton de Tulear - Special characteristics

A Coton de Tuléar can typically grow up to 30 cm tall and weigh up to 6 kg. The breed is rectangular in shape with a slight rise above the loin.The Coton de Tuléar's most distinctive feature is its cotton-like, solid white coat. However, the color can be mixed with gray or fawn touches as long as the overall look is not disturbed. Black and white and tri-colored coats are also recognized. The dog's ears often blend seamlessly with the long coat and are triangular and drooping.The black nose and dark eyes are typical, although they can sometimes be hidden by the long hair. The legs are rather short, but the Grand Coton has longer limbs. The dog's tail curls over the back.The eyes reflect the Coton de Tuléar's lively and cheerful disposition. This dog breed is known for its adaptability and sensitivity to its environment. They are constantly seeking social interaction and tend to develop loss anxiety when left alone, so it is recommended to either have two dogs or hire a sitter if the owner works full time.

Coton de Tulear - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The Coton de Tuléar is generally a healthy dog ​​and therefore does not require a special diet. However, it is important to choose high-quality and natural food with a high meat content . Due to its sensitivity, a change in food should be slow and gradual. For an adult Coton, two meals a day are usually sufficient. Regularly weighing the dog can help to detect unwanted weight gain in good time, as this is often difficult to detect due to the long coat.

Coton de Tulear - Health and Care

The Coton de Tuléar is a non-shedding breed, however a daily combing routine of about 15 minutes is necessary to prevent matting, which can only be resolved by shaving. Dampening the coat before combing is crucial to keep the hair healthy and avoid breakage.In addition, the Coton requires regular baths, during which mild dog shampoo can be used to optimize hair care.It is also important to check the nails occasionally, as small dog breeds often do not receive enough wear and tear and nail trimming may be necessary.

Coton de Tulear - Origin & History

The Coton de Tuléar has its roots on the Madagascan island of Tuléar. Originally it was a lapdog of the nobility and was not allowed to be kept by the lower classes, which was punishable by law. It is believed that the Coton de Tuléar was brought to the island from France by pirates or simple sailors in the 16th and 17th centuries and developed through mating with local dogs. In 1972, the first specimens were brought to America by Dr. Robert J. Russel. Until the late 1990s, the Coton de Tuléar was largely unknown in Europe and America and was considered a rare rarity. Even today it is considered the national dog of the island of Tuléar.

Coton de Tulear - The right accessories

In addition to the collar and leash, the Coton de Tuléar requires a grooming kit consisting of a brush, special shampoo and nail clippers. A baby bath can be used to bathe your dog. It is also advisable to use a quiet dog dryer to dry the coat and prevent disease, although the Coton de Tuléar is known to be robust.

Coton de Tulear - Conclusion

The Coton de Tuléar is a charming companion who spreads joy with his cheerful personality and unique, cotton-like coat. This small breed is extremely adaptable and sensitive, which promotes a close bond with its owners. A balanced diet and regular grooming, especially of the long coat, are crucial for their health and well-being. Originally known as a lap dog of the nobles of Madagascar, the Coton de Tuléar has become a popular companion who still exudes charm

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