Ca de Bou

Ca de Bou (Majorca Mastiff)

The Ca de Bou is an ancient dog breed from Spain, often called the "Majorca Mastiff". This breed is recognized by the FCI and belongs to the group of Mastiff-type dogs. Although the origin story of the breed is murky, Ca de Bou dogs are cheerful and lovable. They are known for their loyalty and protective abilities, but also make great family dogs.

Content: Ca de Bou

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Ca de Bou - Profile

  • Character: Brave, loyal, calm
  • Size: Medium
  • Height: 52-58cm
  • Weight: 30-38 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-12 years
  • Coat type: Short, smooth
  • Color: Fawn, Black, and Brindle
  • Special features: A Spanish Molosser, small for his group, known for his strength and determination
  • FCI Group: Molossoid, Mastiff-type dogs

Ca de Bou - Special features

The Ca de Bou is a medium to large breed of dog, with adult males standing about 55 to 58 cm tall and weighing about 35 to 38 kg. Females are slightly smaller and lighter on average, standing about 52 to 55 cm tall and weighing 30 to 34 kg. The Ca de Bou's build is powerful and muscular, with a broad chest, strong neck, and prominent head. The front and hind legs are powerful, and the tail is long. The head is characterized by large floppy ears and prominent wrinkles, typical of a variant of the Bull Terrier . The short, smooth coat can come in a variety of colors, including light brown to golden brown, black, and brindle, often with white markings on the chest, forehead, or legs. The Ca de Bou is a smart and friendly dog ​​with a close bond with its owner. It requires plenty of exercise and space to thrive, and is known for its loyalty and protective instincts. He can be an excellent watchdog and is often suspicious of strangers, but generally remains calm around other dogs.

Ca de Bou - What should you consider regarding nutrition?

Your Ca de Bou's diet should be carefully controlled, as this breed of dog tends to eat a lot. It is important to avoid obesity by adjusting the amount of food according to your dog's size, weight, age and activity level. Eating balanced and natural dog food, especially with high-quality meat for dogs, is crucial for your dog's health. After eating, the dog should rest to reduce the risk of gastric torsion. The Ca de Bou is generally a hardy and healthy breed, with no known breed-specific diseases or allergies. However, hip problems, which are more common in large breeds, are a potential health threat. The average life expectancy of a healthy Ca de Bou is around twelve years.

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Ca de Bou - Health and Care

Caring for the Ca de Bou's coat is straightforward and only requires occasional brushing. In terms of exercise and activity, these dogs have high requirements. They require several long walks a day, preferably in nature. It is also advisable to stimulate them mentally, be it by learning tricks or participating in dog sports . It is important to note that the Ca de Bou is not a breed for beginners and requires experienced dog owners. The dogs need close contact with their humans and must be trained from a young age. Good socialization is crucial to avoid possible problems with other dogs. Training requires consistency, clear rules and loving but firm leadership. However, it is important to stress that aggressiveness or harshness when dealing with this breed is inappropriate and would damage the trust between human and dog.

Ca de Bou - Origin & History

The history of the Ca de Bou is marked by dark and tragic chapters. Originally, these dogs were bred primarily for cruel purposes, namely to attack bulls. They were trained to bite and bring the bulls to the ground, often in front of an audience watching such cruel spectacles. The breed was also involved in brutal dog fights. Due to this aggressive and dark past, the Ca de Bou still has to contend with a bad reputation and prejudice. With the ban on bullfighting and dog fighting, the breed experienced a sharp decline in popularity. Nevertheless, the Ca de Bou was later recognized as an official dog breed by the FCI . Thanks to dedicated enthusiasts and breeders, the breed was saved from extinction. Today, the Ca de Bou is still a rare dog breed, but there are reputable breeders who strive to preserve it.

Ca de Bou - The right accessories

Keeping the Ca de Bou requires certain living space requirements due to its size. This breed is not suitable for living in small apartments. Instead, the dogs need a lot of space, ideally with their own garden. The Ca de Bou feels more comfortable in rural areas than in urban environments, and this should be taken into account when choosing the living space. Various dog toys can be used to keep the dog properly occupied and stimulated. In addition, a separate dog bed in the house is important. This should be in a quiet but still easily visible corner so that the dogs can rest and relax.

Ca de Bou - Conclusion

In summary, the Ca de Bou is a fascinating and hardy dog ​​breed with a dark history, but one that has evolved into a loyal and loving companion. These medium to large sized dogs require plenty of space and exercise, making them more suitable for experienced dog owners and rural habitats. Grooming their short coats is straightforward, but does require regular brushing. Proper dog training and socialization are vital to unlocking this breed's full potential and preventing any potential behavioral problems. With the right guidance and love, Ca de Bou dogs can be loyal, faithful, and loving, making them wonderful companions for those who can meet their needs.

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