Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier, an Irish breed, is characterized by its hunting instincts and love of family. Despite its talent as a guard dog, this dog should never be chained or kept in a kennel as it needs a lot of freedom of movement. This active dog needs plenty of exercise.

Content: Kerry Blue Terrier

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Kerry Blue Terrier - Profile

  • Character: Lively, intelligent, self-confident
  • Size: Medium
  • Height: 44-49 cm
  • Weight: 15-18 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13-15 years
  • Coat type: Soft, curly, medium hair
  • Colour: Blue, from dark slate blue to a lighter shade of blue
  • FCI Group: Terriers

Kerry Blue Terrier - Special Characteristics

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a medium-sized dog breed. These animals are characterized by their upright posture and muscular limbs. Externally, the Kerry Blue Terrier resembles a smooth-haired fox terrier, but differs in its special coat.
Kerry Blue Terriers have some distinctive features that distinguish them from other dogs and that can be particularly important in competitions. Their skulls are slightly elongated, their ears are small and their almost black eyes give them an alert expression. The dogs' broad noses have large nostrils and their tails are medium length. The Kerry Blue Terrier's coat is delicate and appears wavy.
Puppies of this breed are usually born with black hair, but as they grow the color often changes to a gray-silver.
Kerry Blue Terriers are intelligent, independent and playful dogs. They love being part of the family and their cheerful nature makes them great playmates and companions for children. This breed has a charming Irish character and often displays mischievous behavior. Their cheerful pranks can entertain the whole family. However, it is advisable that the Kerry Blue Terrier is the only pet in the household to avoid conflicts with other animals. This way you can ensure that any prey animals in the house are safe.

Kerry Blue Terrier - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The recommended daily amount for an adult Kerry Blue Terrier is one to two cups of high-quality dry food, divided into two meals. The exact amount of food depends on various factors such as the dog's size, age, activity level and digestion. It is important to consider the quality of the food, as high-quality food in smaller portions is sufficient. The diet should be tailored to the dog's individual needs to avoid obesity.

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Kerry Blue Terrier - Health and Care

The Kerry Blue Terrier is adaptable and easy-going. These hardy dogs tolerate different weather conditions well, thanks to their thick coat, which is particularly beneficial in cold weather. However, precautions should be taken in hot weather, as they have difficulty regulating their body temperature. Activity is crucial to the happiness of this breed. Daily walks and playtime are necessary, as are mental challenges. Terriers have a tendency to dig, so early training is important.

Caring for the thick and wavy coat requires regular brushing, and the amount of food should be individually tailored to the dog to avoid obesity.

Kerry Blue Terrier - Origin & History

The Kerry Blue Terrier originates from Ireland, specifically from County Kerry. This versatile breed was used for tasks such as hunting, controlling rats, herding livestock and guarding farms. The wildness and hunting skills were deliberately bred into the breed and they had to pass hunting tests to be recognized. Today, Kerry Blue Terriers are loyal companions and were recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1922.

Kerry Blue Terrier - The right accessories

The Kerry Blue Terrier will benefit from accessories that satisfy his need for exercise. Toys that allow him to burn off excess energy are ideal, as they also help him with training. Rewards in the form offood can help him learn. A brush is important for grooming his coat, and nail scissors are also useful, but should be used with caution.

Kerry Blue Terrier - Conclusion

The Kerry Blue Terrier is an adaptable and sociable dog that needs plenty of exercise and time with its family to be happy. Originally from Ireland, they have a thick coat that protects them well from the cold, but requires caution in the heat. This breed is active and adventurous and needs plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Maintaining their thick, wavy coat requires regular brushing. Feeding should be tailored to the individual needs of the dog to avoid obesity.

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