Japan Chin

Japanese Chin

The small Japanese Chin, also known as the Japanese Chin, does not originate in Japan as the name suggests, but rather comes from China. They are believed to have been brought to Japan by Zen Buddhists and were once the favorites of aristocrats. Today, the Japanese Chin is a popular family dog, popular not only among singles but also families and sporty seniors due to its charming nature and size.

Content: Japanese Chin

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Japanese Chin - Profile

  • Character: Intelligent, dignified, charming
  • Size: Small
  • Height: 20-25 cm
  • Weight: 3-5 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-12 years
  • Coat type: Long, silky
  • Color: Black and white or red and white
  • FCI Group: Companion and Toy Dogs

Japanese Chin - Special Characteristics

The Japanese Chin is a friendly, gentle and adaptable dog. It is small, elegant and weighs about 5 kg and stands up to 25 cm tall. Its silky coat requires grooming and it is usually bicoloured, often black and white or red and white. This dog has no undercoat.

The dog has a short nose and a slightly oriental appearance. Its life expectancy is between 10 and 12 years, and it belongs to FCI group nine. It is known for its cat-like behavior, as it sometimes moves silently, grooms itself, and can occasionally climb. It is ideal for beginners and feels comfortable in apartments and urban environments. In addition, it is child and cat friendly , and often hardly barks.

Japanese Chin - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

A balanced diet is crucial for the health of the Japanese Chin. This can be achieved by using high-quality commercial food or home-made food. The amount of food should be appropriate to the dog's age and activity level. Occasional treats are one way to reward your four-legged friend, but should be included in the daily calorie requirement.

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Japanese Chin - Health and Care

Grooming the dog requires special attention, especially with regard to its long silky coat. Ideally, the coat should be brushed daily to prevent matting. This is especially necessary during the shedding season in spring and autumn. The Japanese Chin often enjoys brushing time as it gives him attention and petting .

Depending on the breed's needs, the dog should be bathed about once a month, using a mild dog shampoo. Otherwise, the dog's general grooming should be similar to that of other dogs. It is important to regularly check his nails and make sure they are not getting too long. The pads on his paws should also be well-groomed and free of cracks. It is advisable to check him regularly for fleas and signs of worm infestation. In the case of a worm infestation, a deworming treatment may be necessary.

Japan Chin - Origin & History

The Japanese Chin has a long history that dates back to about 500 to 1000 years ago. Although its name suggests Japan, this breed does not originate from Japan, but from the Asian region. It is believed that they were brought to the Japanese territory by Buddhist monks from China.

However, historians agree on one point: the conscious breeding of the Japanese Chin began in Japan. The aim was to breed these dogs so small that they would fit into the sleeves of kimonos. At that time, they became the favorites of the Japanese nobility and are said to have lived at the royal court in Japan since 723. There are even pictures and works of art from that time that depict the small dog.

The name "Chin" in Japanese Chin is derived from the expression "chiinuu inu", which means "little dog". In the 17th century, this loving breed first became known in Europe and became popular lap dogs among ladies of high society. Even Queen Victoria was the proud owner of two animals. The small four-legged friend also came to Germany as an imperial gift. The Japanese Empress gave the German Empress Augusta a pair of the breed for Christmas. The dog with its silky coat is still widespread in Asia today, but is less common in Europe. The Japanese Chin was first officially recognized as a breed by the FCI in 1957.

Japanese Chin - The right accessories

The basic equipment for your Japanese Chin includes the usual items such as a dog cushion, a leash and a food bowl, as well as some specific care products and toys. Regular grooming is particularly important, so you will need a suitable brush to care for your Japanese Chin's coat every day. A mild dog shampoo is also helpful for bathing your dog when necessary.

You should also have products for cleaning the ears and eyes, as well as tick tweezers on hand. Since the Japanese Chin is a playful dog, he will enjoy dog ​​toys, especially balls, ropes and fetch toys. Brain games are also a good way to provide your Japanese Chin with mental challenges.

Japanese Chin - Conclusion

The Japanese Chin is a charming and lovable breed with a fascinating history. Originally from China, it was further bred in Japan and was a favorite of Japanese nobility. Today, the Japanese Chin is popular in other parts of the world due to its friendly nature and adaptability. Grooming this dog requires special attention to its long, silky coat, but the love and joy it brings to its owners more than makes up for the effort.

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