Jack Russel terrier
The Jack Russell Terrier is a very intelligent and agile dog with a strong character that wants to be kept busy. Its clever nature and friendly personality make it a popular family dog. The dog, originally used for fox hunting, is often underestimated and needs an experienced owner.
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Jack Russell Terrier - Profile
- Character: intelligent, lively, attentive, active, fearless
- Size: Small
- Height: 25-30 cm
- Weight: 5-6 kg
- Life expectancy: 13-16 years
- Coat type: short straight hair, rough hair or wire hair
- Colour: predominantly white with black or tan markings in all shades
- Special features: cat-friendly
- FCI Group: Terriers
Jack Russell Terrier - Special Characteristics
The Jack Russell Terrier , also affectionately known as "Jacky", is a wonderful animal with a great deal of courage. The dogs can be found with different coat types: short-haired, wire-haired and stock-haired. The coloring is very uniform and consists of a dominant white with black or tan markings in every shade. The dogs have a long body and short legs. This meant that they could help with fox hunting by entering the dens of the hunted animals and scaring them away. The ideal weight of up to 6 kg should not be exceeded in order to protect the dog from damage to its skeleton. The pointed ears are folded down and give the dog a cheeky appearance.
Since the Jack Russell is a thoroughbred hunter , training them can be difficult. Many dog owners underestimate the temperament of these small, eager dogs and like to challenge their owners. They like to draw attention to themselves by barking. Even though the Jack Russell is a very popular dog, you should be aware of what you are getting into.
His need for exercise can only be satisfied by long daily walks. He should definitely have an outdoor area. The Jack Russell is not suitable for city apartments. The dog also has a passion for digging and will do so in the neighbors' flowerbeds without being asked. In short: this dog belongs in the forest so that he can really let off steam.
Jack Russell Terrier - The right diet
There is not much more to consider when feeding a Jack Russell Terrier than with other dog breeds. The most important thing is that the diet is balanced and that your little companion enjoys eating the dog food . Make sure that the food has a high meat content and does not contain any unnecessary additives or fattening agents. It is best to give your dog a high-quality wet or dry food. Puppies should be fed special puppy food .
The right amount of food depends on the age and activity of your dog. The manufacturer's recommendations are often helpful here. Puppies get several meals a day. However, adult dogs only need to be fed once a day. The Jack Russell Terrier is not actually prone to obesity. Nevertheless, you should avoid giving them small things to eat outside of feeding times.
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Jack Russell Terrier - Health and Care
Grooming the little ones is very straightforward, especially with short-haired and straight-haired Jackys. A fur brush or a massage curry comb used weekly is completely sufficient.
Rough-haired Jack Russells need to be trimmed regularly. A so-called trimming comb with a built-in razor blade may be suitable for this. Once a month you can bathe the dog and care for the fur with a dog shampoo. If this happens too often, the skin's natural protection will be damaged and your little companion could develop skin problems.
Claw care, tick checks and dental care are, in addition to regular visits to the vet, elementary components of dog care and should not be neglected, even with the Yorkshire Terrier .
It is important to give in to the animals' need for exercise and take your little friend on long walks every day.
The dogs can be affected by the incurable disease ataxia and myelopathy, which leads to a deterioration of the spinal cord and increasing restrictions in movement. When buying, make sure that the parents are in excellent health. You should definitely not skimp on this!
Jack Russell Terrier - Origin & History
The Jack Russell Terrier comes from Great Britain and goes back to the passionate breeder John Jack Russell, who began breeding the dogs in the early 19th century. His aim was to breed a fearless and agile hunting dog that could be used to hunt foxes. To do this, the dogs had to be small and have enormous self-confidence. Russell undoubtedly succeeded in combining these characteristics. In the middle of the 19th century, the dogs were exported to Australia, where breeding was continued intensively. There the dog was also used to hunt rabbits, which requires less courage but experience in penetrating the cave systems. The Jack Russell Terrier was not recognized as an official breed until 2000.
Jack Russell Terrier - the right accessories
The most important thing when keeping a Jack Russell Terrier is the basic equipment: a water and food bowl, a dog basket, a leash, a harness or collar and a first aid kit for dogs. You should also have the right equipment for grooming the coat at home. This includes a brush and a comb.
Treat your little friend to a few dog toys. Logic and search games are especially fun for the little four-legged friends. With treats you can teach Jackies a few tricks and make sure they know their commands.
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