

The Eurasier is a versatile dog and has not been approved as a breed for very long. Its self-confident character and people-friendly behavior make it an ideal family dog.

Content: Eurasier

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Eurasier - Profile

  • Character: Confident, calm, balanced
  • Size: Medium
  • Height: 48-60 cm
  • Weight: 18-32 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12-14 years
  • Coat type: Long hair
  • Colour: All colours permitted except white and spotted
  • Special features: Sometimes blue tongue
  • FCI Group: Spitz and primitive dogs – Asian Spitz

Eurasier - Special characteristics

The Eurasier is a very calm dog that doesn't get upset. The animals have a very friendly character but are still rather reserved. They like to follow several people and have a very empathetic nature as well as a high level of intelligence.

Eurasiers have a great and cuddly appearance. The harmoniously built, medium-sized body is covered by medium-length fur. The dense undercoat and soft coat feel pleasant on the skin. The variety of colors is special. The FCI allows almost all color combinations. However, the coat is usually in shades of brown and beige with some black. A black, pointed muzzle is often found in Eurasiers. The ears are erect, the tail is bent upwards over the back.

As a very social dog, the Eurasier is easy to keep in a family context. However, this does not necessarily mean that these intelligent dogs are also easy to train. The dogs only accept commands from people with whom they have built up a bond. Like many Spitz-like dogs, Eurasiers have a certain amount of pride and can also be quite headstrong. However, since the dogs have a very high stimulus threshold and remain calm and composed even when they are stubborn, you can't usually blame the cuddly animals.

The dogs are only partially active and are only partially suitable for dog sports . They love games of skill and like variety. They quickly become bored with monotonous exercises.

Eurasier - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The Eurasier is not particularly demanding when it comes to food. A food with a higher meat and vegetable content is usually a good choice. You can give the dog dry or wet food. A balanced diet that does not change too much is important. An adequate supply of all important nutrients should be guaranteed in any case. BARFing is of course also a suitable method of feeding. The dog is fed only raw meat and vegetables. The animals do not tend to be obese. Nevertheless, you should make sure that the amount of food is appropriate. A moderate weight is essential for the dog's overall constitution.

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Eurasier - Health and Care

The care of the Eurasier is limited to occasional brushing. Especially during the coat change , you will do your furry companion a favor by brushing him daily. The undercoat should be combed out thoroughly.

In addition, the Spitz-like dog is very easy to care for. However, regular checks of the ears, eyes, claws and teeth are recommended. Appropriate chews are advisable for preventative dental care. The dogs do not usually need a bath. However, stubborn dirt can be removed with hot water without shampoo.

There are no known breed-specific diseases in this young dog breed . The dog breed is not overbred and has a very robust reputation.

Eurasier - Origin & History

Eurasiers are a relatively new breed of dog that was bred as a companion dog. The core of the breed is a cross between a Wolfspitz and a Chow Chow that dates back to the 1960s by Julius Wipfel. The aim was to breed a people-oriented, friendly animal with a primitive appearance. This breed was initially called a Wolf Chow. By crossbreeding it with a Samoyed, the Eurasier breed we know today was created, which has been recognized by the FCI since 1973.

Eurasier - The right accessories

The following basic equipment is the most important for keeping a Eurasier: water and food bowls, a dog basket, leash, harness or collar and a first aid kit for dogs. In order to build a good bond with the dog and to make certain commands appealing to him, you should have suitable treats in your pocket. Of course, you can also make your companion happy with toys. A ball is never a bad choice. Otherwise, you have to find out a little bit about what the little four-legged friend likes.


The Eurasier is a balanced and confident dog, ideal for families. Its easy care and versatility make it a popular companion. Originally bred from Keeshond, Chow Chow and Samoyed , it is a young but robust breed with a long life expectancy.

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