Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino

The Argentine Mastiff - Dogo Argentino - requires extremely strict training and leadership. The animals are classified as dangerous dogs due to their killing intent and require expert handling. However, if well socialized, the dogs have a big heart and are excellent dogs.

Content: Dogo Argentino

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Dogo Argentino profile

  • Character: agile, strong, brave, dominant, loyal, cheerful
  • Size: large
  • Height: 60-70cm
  • Weight: 40-50 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-13 years
  • Coat type: short coat
  • Colour: pure white, dark spot on the skull permitted
  • Special features: strong hunting instinct with killing intent
  • FCI Group: Molosser – Mastiff-type dogs

Dogo Argentino - Special characteristics

The Dogo Argentino has a muscular body and a large, massive head. The large, solid ears hang down like floppy ears. The hunting dogs have short fur and are pure white. Only a dark spot that covers no more than 10% of the head is permitted as a deviation in the coloring. A fully grown Argentine mastiff is a large animal, measuring up to 70 cm and weighing up to 50 kg.

The athletic dogs are not listed as dangerous dogs without reason. The dogs bred as all-rounders have a strong hunting instinct with the intention of killing and must be trained very thoroughly. However, with appropriate socialization, the dogs are very good-natured and social creatures that can integrate well into family life. Dealing with other dogs is not always easy. The strong guarding instinct makes the dogs very suitable for the role of guard dog. The Argentine Mastiff needs enough exercise and activity so that it does not get stupid ideas out of boredom. You should make sure that the dog has an outdoor area available from which it cannot escape under any circumstances.

Animals like the Dogo Argentino are certainly not dogs for beginners and are only recommended for owners who know what they are getting into. You have to have enough time and patience and you must not neglect the animal at any time. This could have fatal consequences.

Dogo Argentino - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The diet of the Argentine Mastiff depends on activity, age, size and weight and should consist largely of meat . The food should also contain fruit and vegetables to ensure a balanced supply of nutrients. Since the dogs are very sensitive to food, it is important to choose high-quality food. The food can be wet or dry. It is important that your four-legged friend enjoys the taste and that he does not get an upset stomach from his daily bread. Chewing items such as dried meat can be given to the dog from time to time. Make sure that the treats you choose are of high quality. When changing the food, you should always proceed carefully in order to slowly get the Argentine's digestive system used to the new food. Also make sure that the dog has a slim figure. Being overweight quickly leads to health problems and problems with the bone structure of the dog.

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Dogo Argentino - Health and Care

The Dogo Argentino is a very easy-care dog. Thanks to its short fur, it does not require any special grooming. Regular brushing, however, saves you from having to constantly get out the vacuum cleaner. It also makes the fur shiny and soft. The eyes, ears, claws and teeth should be checked once a week if possible.

Dogo Argentinos have numerous breed-specific diseases due to overbreeding. Hip dysplasia and deafness are not uncommon in these dogs. For these reasons too, you should be careful when choosing a breeder and be sure to get a certificate of the parents' health.

Dogo Argentino - The right accessories

The Argentine Mastiff is a very strong dog. It is important to use a leash that takes this into account. Since the dogs are rarely allowed to walk without a leash due to legal regulations, you should consider purchasing a long leash. This way, you can allow your dog a certain amount of freedom of movement when walking, despite the strict rules. For most dogs, a harness is preferable to a collar. The dogs often find the straps, which distribute the load better across the body, more comfortable.

The classification as a dangerous dog on the list makes a muzzle compulsory in many places. It is important to ensure that the muzzle is the right size and fits comfortably. The muzzles are uncomfortable enough for the dogs.

Dogo Argentino - Origin & History

The Dogo Argentino was deliberately bred by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez at the beginning of the 20th century. His intention was to create an all-rounder that would be a good working animal as well as a family dog. To do this, he crossed large, strong dogs such as bulldogs, bull terriers, boxer mastiffs and other dogs. The dogs were all white and had a healthy bite. The core was the old fighting dog from the Argentinian province of Córdoba. The breed was officially recognized in 1947. The Argentinian Mastiff was used for wild boar hunting and as a livestock guarding dog, among other things. The strong dogs are particularly well suited to hunting. Today, at least in Argentina, the dogs are the all-rounders that Dr. Martinez had imagined when breeding them. In 1976, a Dogo Argentino Club was founded in Germany, but has since disbanded. In many places, keeping them is made difficult by strict restrictions due to the dogs' dangerous nature.


The Dogo Argentino is an imposing dog with special training and management requirements due to its strong hunting instinct. Despite their classification as dangerous dogs, they can be loyal and loving when properly socialized. Their diet requires high-quality food, while regular grooming and health care are important. The right accessories, such as a sturdy leash and a well-fitting muzzle, are crucial for safe handling. The origin of this breed reflects its original use as a versatile working and hunting dog. The responsibility that comes with keeping a Dogo Argentino should not be underestimated.

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