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Why do dogs howl?

Tilt your head back and your four-legged housemate will give you a very special serenade: your dog howls - loudly, deafeningly and persistently. When other dogs are nearby, they often happily join in the concert. The reasons for howling in dogs can be very different, diverse and positive or negative.

Content: Why do dogs howl

Howl – the wolf genes come through

Your dog has gotten used to living with you and other people and feels comfortable in your company. Like other sounds – barking, whining, growling – howling is part of the dog’s “language” and communication.

When the dog howls, the dog's singing may initially irritate you a little. Nevertheless, howling is completely natural in dogs, because the genes of your four-legged friend's wild ancestors, the wolves, come through here.

If your dog howls, he may want to strengthen the cohesion in the social group, i.e. his pack, warn other pack members - you or family members - of possible dangers, protect his territory or summon other members of his species.

Even if you find it a bit strange: just sing and cry along, it will strengthen the bond between you. You show him that you belong to him and he belongs to you.

After all, people feel connected to each other when they sing together with others - this is no different with dogs. This phenomenon is called “contact howling”, which also includes howling with someone, for example. B. with sirens or music.

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Howl along with sirens, music etc.

What we perceive as loud and often even unpleasant in terms of noise, e.g. B. a fire brigade siren, the siren or church bells, is essentially music for many dogs and encourages them to join in the din with their dog howls. You may be worried and think that this noise is hurting your pet's ears. But that is not the case at all, because the frequencies of these sounds are similar to the natural howling of a dog. Since your fur nose at least partially classifies the sounds as the sounds of other animals, it feels encouraged to “sing along”. Some dogs also howl with music, especially classical music, but also with trumpet, violin and harmonica sounds.

Why does my dog ​​howl at night?

Maybe you have already asked yourself why your dog “sings” more often and more intensely in the evening and at night than during the day. Does he howl like a wolf at the moon? You might think so because it looks like this when he tilts his head back. In fact, it is probably the case that the howling of a dog is better heard in the quiet of the night due to fewer background noises, e.g. B. from other conspecifics. In addition, the four-legged friend notices the few noises that occur at night more clearly. Dogs are then more likely to hear an unfamiliar or familiar sound that encourages or provokes them to howl.

Your dog is howling – let's talk about sex

If you have a male dog who cries his heart out at times, it may be that he has sniffed out a female dog in heat nearby - perhaps in the neighborhood or down the street - and is now pining for her. Your furry friend is simply loving. With his singing he hopes to attract the attention of the dog lady of his heart. If your dog constantly howls because he is sexually motivated, you can try to distract him. You have to decide for yourself whether castration is an option for you and your dog. It is best to find out more from your veterinarian.

Dog howling due to separation anxiety or loneliness

Some dogs do not cope well with being alone at home. For your furry friend, you and your family members are part of his pack. Therefore, your dog may start howling when you are away. When dogs howl, they simply want to call you back. If you react and respond every time, your four-legged friend will learn that his behavior is successful. It may be that the crying occurs every time you or your loved ones want to leave the house. Maybe the singing will even intensify. Sometimes howling in dogs is also a symptom of extreme separation anxiety. As soon as your dog no longer sees you, he panics. The reasons for this can be very different; the caregiver often behaves incorrectly out of ignorance and makes the problem worse. If you believe that your dog's howling may be due to excessive separation anxiety, it is best to contact an experienced dog trainer and/or dog psychologist.

My dog ​​has been crying constantly lately - is he sick?

Especially if your dog is usually a quiet person and suddenly starts howling or howling excessively for seemingly no reason, this could also be a sign of health problems and pain.

If you are unsure whether your dog is doing well or is perhaps sick, take him to the vet as quickly as possible and have the causes of your dog's howling clarified professionally.

See also:


As different as dogs and their personalities are, the reasons for their howling are also different. Some dogs howl to strengthen the bond in the pack , others because they are afraid or lovesick.

Especially when it comes to triggers such as (separation) anxiety, stress or high sexual motivation, it can be very useful to work on the cause. If the reason for the crying can only be seen in communication and is actually completely natural, you can try to direct your “crybaby’s” attention to something else.

Give your dog a task that requires all of his concentration. If the howling has more positive causes, such as vocalizations within the pack, you don't need to stop it if it doesn't bother you - or your neighborhood.

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