Das richtige Futter für Hunde im Sommer

The right food for dogs in summer

Summer is a season that brings many joys for dog owners. Long walks in the park, relaxing hours outdoors and shared adventures make summer an exciting time for humans and dogs. But while we humans can easily adapt to the changes in diet and behavior, it is important to understand that our beloved four-legged friends also have special nutritional needs in order to enjoy the summer healthily and happily. We give you advice on the right food in summer.

Content: The right food for dogs in summer

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Adequate hydration is especially important in summer. Although our beloved four-legged friends cannot sweat like we humans can, dogs still lose more fluids due to the heat and outdoor activities. To prevent your dog from becoming dehydrated, he should always drink plenty of water . Here are some tips to ensure your dog stays well hydrated.

Portable water bowl

Invest in a portable water bowl or a collapsible water bottle for on-the-go use. These allow you to offer your dog water anytime, anywhere, even during long walks or outings when water isn't within reach.

Water toys

Incorporate water toys into play with your dog. Balls or toys that can be filled with water not only provide a fun activity, but also help meet your dog's water needs.

Cooling dog mats

Invest in a cooling dog mat or bed. These special products use cooling gel or foam technology to provide your dog with a comfortable surface to rest on while keeping their body cool.

Improve water taste

If your dog is having trouble drinking enough water, try using a water filter or adding natural flavor enhancers to the water, such as chicken broth or diluted fruit juice. However, make sure the ingredients are safe for dogs and do not contain harmful additives.

Water features in the garden

Provide your dog with a shallow splash area in the yard , such as a wading pool or water sprinkler system. Not only can this be fun, but it can also help keep your dog cool and hydrated.

Regularly refill the water bowls

Check the water bowls regularly to make sure they are always fresh and clean. Especially in summer, the water can quickly heat up or become dirty. By refilling them regularly, you ensure that your dog always has access to cool, clean water.

By taking these extra steps, you can ensure your dog stays properly hydrated during the summer months. Remember that individual dogs may have different drinking habits, so it's important to monitor and adjust your dog's needs. If you are concerned that your dog may be dehydrated, please seek veterinary attention immediately.

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Easily digestible meals

In summer, it is important that the meals are easy for your dog to digest, as a heavy or fatty diet can lead to digestive problems. You probably don't feel like eating a warming goulash or too much roast in the middle of summer. You should also offer your four-legged friend the right food on hot days and make sure that he doesn't overeat.

  • Adjust feeding times: During the summer months, it can be helpful to adjust feeding times. Since many dogs are less active in hot weather, you can divide meals into several smaller portions rather than offering one large meal. This will make digestion easier and your dog will not feel overly stressed.
  • High-quality proteins: Make sure your dog's diet contains high-quality protein sources. Lean meats such as chicken, turkey or fish are easier to digest than fatty meats. Avoid heavy and fatty meats such as pork or lamb, as they can put a strain on digestion.
  • Vegetables and fruits: Supplement your dog's meals with easily digestible vegetables and fruits. Carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, spinach and apples are good options as they contain fiber and can aid digestion. However, keep in mind that not all vegetables and fruits are suitable for dogs. For example, avoid onions, garlic or avocado as these can be toxic to dogs.
  • Gentle preparation: When preparing your dog's meals, you should choose gentle methods to preserve nutrients and facilitate digestion. Boiled or steamed meat and vegetables are easier to digest than fried or spicy foods. Also avoid using spices or oils that can burden digestion.
  • Supplements: In some cases, supplements can help support your dog's digestion and metabolism. Probiotics and digestive enzymes can help improve gut health and promote nutrient absorption. Talk to your veterinarian about appropriate supplements for your dog.

By considering these additional tips, you can ensure that your dog's meals are easily digestible and support his digestion during the summer. However, be sure to consider your dog's individual needs and consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns. A well-digestible diet will help keep your dog comfortable during the summer and able to enjoy all of his adventures to the fullest.

Fresh and natural snacks

Fresh and natural snacks are a great way to pamper your dog during the summer while adding value to his diet. Here are some more ideas for healthy and delicious snacks.

  • Vegetable sticks: Give your dog raw vegetable sticks as a snack. Carrots, cucumbers, celery and bell peppers are great because they are crunchy and contain many important nutrients. These snacks are low in calories and high in fiber, which is good for digestion.
  • Frozen treats: Make homemade frozen treats for a refreshing way to cool down on hot days. You can freeze yogurt or pureed fruit in ice cube trays or use special dog ice trays. These snacks not only provide a delicious reward, but also help regulate your dog's body temperature.
  • Meaty treats: Make homemade meaty treats by cutting lean meats like chicken, turkey or beef into thin strips and baking them in the oven or gently drying them. Be sure not to add any spices or preservatives. These meaty snacks are high in protein and a real treat for your dog.
  • Fruit snacks: Many fruits are not only healthy for us humans, but also suitable for dogs. Give your dog small pieces of fruit such as watermelon, strawberries, apples, bananas or blueberries. These not only provide important vitamins and antioxidants, but are also refreshing and delicious.
  • Chews: Chews such as beef or chicken bones can be a healthy and natural snack option. However, be sure to only use uncooked bones and never give cooked bones as they can splinter. Always supervise your dog while chewing and remove the bone if it becomes too small or too dangerous.

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It is important to note that not all foods are suitable for dogs. Some foods, such as chocolate, grapes or onions, are toxic to dogs and should be avoided. Also, make sure to offer snacks in moderation to avoid excessive weight gain. Always remember to include snacks in your dog's daily needs.

By incorporating fresh and natural snacks into your dog's diet, you provide him with a variety of flavors, textures and healthy nutrients. These snacks not only serve as a reward, but also contribute to your dog's overall health and happiness. Remember to offer snacks in appropriate sizes and adjust the total amount of food accordingly to ensure a balanced diet. Additionally, you should adjust the snacks according to your dog's individual needs. For example, if your dog has allergies or is sensitive to certain foods, you should avoid them.

Supplementary feed

Supplements can be a valuable addition to your dog's diet during the summer. Here's more information about supplements and their potential benefits.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA fatty acids, are essential nutrients for dogs. They support skin health, the immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties. Fish oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. It can be given as a supplement in the form of capsules or liquid fish oil. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Probiotics: Probiotics are good bacteria that promote gut health. They help maintain healthy gut flora, aid digestion, and strengthen the immune system. Probiotics can be administered in the form of capsules, powders, or special probiotic supplements for dogs. Talk to your vet about the correct dosage and choosing the right probiotic for your dog.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E are important for protecting cells from damaging free radicals. They can help improve cell protection and support the immune system. Antioxidants can be given in the form of supplements or by adding fresh foods high in antioxidants such as berries, carrots or green leafy vegetables to your dog's diet.
  • Joint support: During the summer, many dogs are more active and may be at higher risk for joint problems. Supplements containing ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin can support joint health and help reduce joint inflammation and pain. Talk to your veterinarian about the appropriate dosage and best options for your specific dog.
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements: In some cases, it may be useful to add certain vitamins or minerals to your dog's diet. This is especially the case if your dog has special nutritional needs or a specific deficiency. It is important to choose supplements in consultation with a veterinarian and to follow the dosage exactly.

However, it is important to note that supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet and are not necessary for every dog. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before giving any supplements to ensure they are suitable for your dog and take into account his individual needs.


During the summer months, it is important to adjust your dog's diet accordingly to support their health and well-being. Ensure adequate hydration, offer easily digestible meals, treat your dog to fresh and naturalsnacks , and consider supplemental foods if needed. Monitor your dog's needs and responses closely and consult a veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns. With the right diet, you can ensure your dog enjoys the summer healthy, happy, and full of energy.

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