Golfen mit Hund!

Golfing with a dog!

A world of golf usually unfolds on the expansive greens and in the usually tranquil atmosphere of a golf course. But did you know that in recent years this world has expanded to include loyal four-legged companions? In today's post, we will take a closer look at how dogs can become indispensable companions for golfers and how they take the entire golf experience to a new level.

Golf has seen an impressive increase in enthusiasts in recent years, especially during the pandemic when social distancing became more important. This rising trend has piqued the interest of many dog ​​owners who are wondering if they can take their dogs to the golf course. In this article, we will take a closer look at whether and how it is possible to take dogs to golf courses and what considerations should be taken into account.

Content: Golfing with dogs

Dog on golf course - what to consider

The presence of a pet dog can enrich life in many ways. Not only in the home, but also outdoors, a dog can be a wonderful companion. On a golf course, for example, a dog can not only be a lovable companion, but also a practical help in accomplishing tasks such as fending off waterfowl and geese.

The presence of a dog can make golf an even more enjoyable experience. The company of a loyal four-legged friend can bring relaxation and joy while enhancing the social aspect of the sport.

However, if you are considering taking your furry friend to the golf course, there are some important guidelines and considerations to keep in mind to ensure that both you as a golfer and your dog can enjoy an enjoyable golfing experience.

  • Make sure your dog knows his way around the area and obeys your commands.
  • While on the golf course, it is important to keep your dog on a leash and ensure that he does not disturb other golfers.
  • Make sure your pet does not swallow a golf ball or try to chase it.

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Golfing with a dog - inform the golf course beforehand

Before taking your puppy to the golf course, it's a good idea to call ahead to find out if dogs are allowed on the golf course and which areas your dog is allowed or not. Since not all golfers are dog lovers, consider scheduling your round of golf in the early morning or late evening hours when there are fewer people on the course. This can help avoid conflict and ensure an enjoyable golf experience for you and your puppy .

Golfing with a dog - keep your dog on a leash

If you plan to take your dog to the golf course, it is advisable to keep him on a leash at all times. So, your golf bag should not only hold your best clubs, but also a dog leash. Even if your dog is normally very obedient, he can be a distraction to other players on the golf course. To calm the dog, keeping your furry friend on a leash can help prevent stress and distractions during your round of golf. You have the option of attaching the other end of the leash either to your golf bag to maintain control or to a nearby tree to keep your dog calm.

Golfing with a dog - distracting the dog

There are some useful tips to keep in mind for a relaxing day of golf with your dog. On the golf course, your pup can easily become overwhelmed by flying balls, passing golfers and general excitement, so it's a good idea to bring along some dog accessories for him, such as a tennis ball, sling toy or Frisbee. A simple game of fetch can also give you a moment of calm to focus on your golf shot.

The ideal pre-shot routine is as follows: Bring your puppy a distraction to keep him occupied while you prepare for your shot. Once you are ready to take your shot, set the golf ball down, select the correct club, and then throw the distraction to your puppy. After you hit the ball, you can pet your puppy as a reward if he has been cooperative.

Don't forget to pack water and dog treats ! Reward your dog with delicious treats when he behaves well and make sure you and your dog stay hydrated, especially during the hotter times of the day when you're playing golf. This will help ensure your day of golf is both enjoyable and safe for you and your furry companion.


Overall, taking your dog to the golf course provides a great opportunity to spend time outdoors together and enrich your golf experience. However, it's important to follow a few key steps to ensure your dog and other golfers alike enjoy the day. Preparation is key: Make sure your dog is well-behaved, responds to commands, and is adjusted to the environment. Keep him on a leash to minimize distractions, and make sure he doesn't swallow or chase golf balls. Remember water and treats: Reward your dog with treats for good behavior, and make sure both you and your dog stay hydrated, especially in hot weather. Choosing the right golf course is crucial, as not all courses allow dogs. Be sure to research the rules and regulations of each golf course in advance. With these tips, you and your dog can enjoy an unforgettable day of golf together while maintaining social distancing outdoors. Enjoy your time on the course and have fun golfing with your furry companion!

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