Hund will nicht Gassi gehen - mögliche Gründe

Dog doesn't want to go for a walk - possible causes

Dogs should actually go out for a walk and let off steam as often as possible! But it can happen that dogs suddenly don't want to go outside and actually resist going for a walk. Dog owners are often left with a mystery. Why doesn't your four-legged friend want to go out anymore, when he's actually so keen on it? We'll give you advice on what to do if your dog doesn't want to go for a walk.

There are actually a number of reasons why dogs don't want to go outside anymore. Here we list the most common causes and possible solutions to the problem.

Content: Dog doesn't want to go for a walk - possible causes

Dog doesn't want to go for a walk - Bad experiences for the dog

It is possible that the dog does not want to go out after a bad experience. There can be many reasons for this. Think about whether something happened in the past that the dog did not like or whether basic circumstances have changed. It is often not so easy to recognize what the dog does not like.

It is too hot for the dog to go for a walk

Dogs don't sweat to regulate their body temperature. Instead, they pant. Combined with a thick coat, this can be quite exhausting when temperatures rise in the summer. It's completely understandable that some dogs don't want to go out. So plan your walks around the hottest time of the day. That's probably better for you too. Maybe you can also choose a route that takes you past a river or lake. Drinking is also extremely important for dogs and shouldn't be neglected. With enough breaks or when the temperature is milder, your four-legged friend might enjoy going out again.

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It is too cold and too wet for the dog

Even though our beloved four-legged friends have fur and are apparently made for being outdoors, they can still get cold. This is especially true for modern dog breeds and dog breeds with short fur and no undercoat. Dogs whose short legs mean their bodies are close to the cold ground also get cold quickly. It becomes particularly unfortunate when wet is added to the mix. This can cause dogs to get hypothermia.

You should avoid this and get him a suitable dog blanket. Then he will definitely want to go outside again in the cold season.

Dog doesn't want to go for a walk - Diseases in dogs

Illnesses are not uncommon in dogs and we know that they cause pain. Of course, walking is not so easy when you are in pain and it is not unlikely that you will feel pain somewhere. This is especially true for senior dogs, who are more likely to suffer from arthritis or other illnesses as they get older. But old dogs also don't need to walk as much as young dogs.

Breed-specific diseases such as hip dysplasia or breathing difficulties in short-nosed dog breeds such as the pug can also be the cause.

Dogs show pain and are generally more lethargic and move less. In this case, you should definitely see a vet.

More about dog diseases:

Dog diseases – an overview of the most common diseases in dogs

Dog doesn't want to go for a walk - afraid of the dark

If dogs don't want to go outside at night, they're not necessarily afraid, but they're clearly uncomfortable with the dark. One possible problem could be that your furry friend simply can't see as well anymore. Dogs already have much worse eyesight than humans, and if they have poor eyesight or even an eye disease, they'll practically walk around blind in the dark. To take away the dog's fear, it can help to keep the leash short and thus give the dog a sense of closeness. And of course light helps too. So if it's possible to walk on lit paths, that would certainly be a help. But to be on the safe side, it's advisable to have a vet check for possible eye disease.

Can dogs get bored from going for walks?

It is probably rare that dogs don't want to go for walks anymore. But it can happen, namely if you walk the same route over and over again. Or because the dog doesn't enjoy going outside. Dog owners who drag their dog behind them more than walking them spring to mind. It is important that the dog enjoys being outside. But you will surely think of how you can surprise your four-legged friend on new walks. New routes, new acquaintances with other dogs or a bit of fun and games in between will liven up the walks and will certainly ensure that your dog enjoys going outside again.

Walking puppies

It should be clear that the little puppies cannot run that much. But if puppies do not want to go outside, there may be an instinctive reason for this. It is innate in them not to run too far from their safe home. So if they notice that it is going too far for them, they refuse to go any further or do not leave the house at all. This is perfectly fine, after all, puppies should not be overwhelmed. After the first few months, they stop this behavior and increase their radius.

Puppies that don't want to go outside should be treated with care. You can carry the little dog for the first few steps into the new world and then let him walk again at a distance from his familiar surroundings. It is important to reward him and a little distraction in the form of toys can't hurt either.


There can be a number of completely different reasons why dogs don't want to go for a walk anymore. However, such a change in behavior is usually announced in advance. It is fundamentally important that dog owners always keep a close eye on their loyal four-legged friend and learn to recognize when he is feeling bad. This way, reactions such as refusing to go for a walk can be better understood and avoided.

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