Hühnerfleisch für Hunde

Chicken for dogs

Chicken is undoubtedly one of the most popular meats, not only among humans but also among dogs. But before you give your four-legged friend some of this lean poultry meat, there are a few important things to consider. Below we have compiled the most important guidelines for feeding raw and cooked chicken.

Contents: Chicken meat for dogs

Cooked chicken for dogs

Chicken is known for its leanness and brightness and, along with beef, is one of the most popular types of meat in dogs' bowls. This popularity is not without reason, as chicken is easy to digest, low in fat, lean and also inexpensive. Both cooked chicken and chicken offal as well as dry or wet food that contains chicken are suitable for dogs of all ages. These can be combined in many ways, for example with vegetables, fruit or grains. The nutritional values ​​of chicken are also remarkable. Per 100 grams of meat, it contains the following nutrients:

  • With only four to five grams of fat, chicken is particularly lean.
  • Minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium are contained in healthy amounts in the meat.
  • The protein content of around 25 grams provides the dog's muscles and nerves with important proteins.
  • Chicken contains no carbohydrates or sugar.
  • Chicken hearts and chicken stomachs strengthen the immune system with valuable crude protein and crude fat.

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Raw chicken

The question of whether dogs should eat raw chicken is controversial. There is a risk that raw chicken contains infectious agents such as salmonella. To prevent infection, it is advisable not to give your dog raw chicken. If you still decide to feed your dog raw chicken, you should only buy fresh meat from an uninterrupted cold chain and process the chicken immediately.

Chicken with Rice

Cooked, lean chicken is an excellent choice for a bland diet for dogs suffering from digestive problems. If your dog is showing signs such as bloating, diarrhea, vomiting or food intolerances, giving him cooked chicken can be helpful. A popular recipe is to prepare boiled chicken together with cooked, unsalted rice. This bland diet provides easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates that relieve the dog's stomach and intestines and help him recover.

Be careful with chicken bones

Chickens, like all poultry, have air-filled bones that can easily splinter. The sharp bone splinters pose a significant risk of injury, as they can cause serious cuts in the mouth, esophagus, or even the gastrointestinal tract if consumed. For this reason, it is important never to give your dog chicken bones to chew or eat. Instead, you can use safe alternatives such as chew products made from dried chicken necks , chicken feet , or chicken wings .


Chicken is a popular and healthy meat source for dogs, thanks to its leanness, easily digestible proteins and versatility. Cooked chicken is particularly good as a bland diet for dogs with digestive issues, while raw chicken should be avoided due to the risk of infectious agents. Care should also be taken when feeding chicken bones, as they can splinter and pose injury hazards. Alternatively, safer chews made from chicken necks, feet or wings can be used. Ultimately, it is important to consider your dog's individual needs and health conditions and consult a veterinarian if unsure.

    Discover chicken meat for your four-legged friend in our shop!

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