

The Weimaraner is one of the oldest German pointing dogs and is characterized by its reliable nature. It was bred as a hunting dog from the beginning and is therefore not a dog for inexperienced owners. Its keen nose and strong protective instinct make it a reliable helper. The Weimaraner is a real classic among German dog breeds.

Content: Weimaraner

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Weimaraner - Profile

  • Character: Persistent, steadfast, intelligent, courageous, self-confident
  • Size: Large
  • Height: approx. 60-70 cm
  • Weight: 25-40 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-14 years
  • Coat type: Short hair
  • Colours: Silver, fawn or mouse grey as well as transitions between the colours, head and ears usually slightly lightened
  • Special features: Particularly good nose
  • FCI Group: Pointing Dogs

Weimaraner - Special characteristics

Large, elegant, with a noble color and a faithful look - the Weimaraner is a truly stately dog. The large ears, the long snout and the athletic stature let even the untrained observer see: This dog knows what he is doing.

The Weimaraner is a highly specialized hunting , guard and tracking dog that wants to do its job. The dog not only tracks down game, but also has the assertiveness to attack and kill it if necessary. Due to their protective instinct, the large dogs are rather suspicious of strangers. However, the dog usually forms a deep bond with its owner and is a reliable companion if the relationship is right. The dog should not be left alone for too long, as it prefers to spend time with its master or mistress and wants to be useful.

Anyone who has enough exercise and the appropriate experience with dogs can keep the large hunting dog without the corresponding activities. However, other dogs may be much better suited as a pure family dog. The need for a permanent caregiver often makes training in a family context difficult and brings with it its own complications.

Weimaraner - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The Weimaraner's diet is not particularly complex. When it is a puppy, the dog should be fed a diet rich in minerals to promote healthy growth. Aside from that, a balanced diet with a high meat content from high-quality sources is recommended. If the dog is doing strenuous work, it may need a higher amount of carbohydrates. The Weimaraner is ideal for feeding using the BARF method . You can reward him with treats . Weimaraners are generally not prone to obesity.

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Weimaraner - Health and Care

You can do a lot to ensure that your dog is healthy and well-groomed through the right diet and annual routine visits to the vet. The Weimaraner's coat should be brushed regularly. This usually doesn't take much time and is done quickly. A rich shine will thank you! In addition, the ears, teeth , paws and claws should be checked and cleaned or trimmed about once a week. This intensive care program turns the Weimaraner into a beautiful animal, and at the same time you strengthen the bond with your four-legged companion.

Weimaraner - Origin & History

The Weimaraner was created in the 19th century through loose breeding by hunters and foresters in central Germany. They were keen to breed the dog primarily for performance. At first, the dogs were known primarily in the area around the city of Weimar. In the late 19th century, professional breeding of the high-performance dogs began. In 1897, the Weimaraner Klub eV was founded, which still exists today and is committed to the appropriate breeding and keeping of the elegant dog. To this day, the Weimaraner is a well-known and popular hunting dog, kept primarily by experts and rarely found in mixed breeds.

Weimaraner - The right accessories

The Weimaraner is rarely lured behind the stove by dog ​​toys. However, with a few balls, a Frisbee or sticks, you can fetch with him until he drops. This large hunting dog loves to run after objects. Aside from that, a tracking leash and a good collar are important. Treat your dog to a nice dog basket with a soft cushion in which he can relax after strenuous work in the forest. A soft dog brush and nail clippers are also part of every dog ​​owner's basic equipment.


The Weimaraner is a large, elegant dog with pronounced hunting skills and a strong protective instinct. Its nature is intelligent, brave and self-confident, which requires an experienced hand in training. The diet should be balanced and regular care, including brushing the fur and checking the ears, teeth and claws, is important. The basic equipment includes toys for retrieving games, a tracking leash, a collar, a dog basket, a brush and nail clippers. The breed was created in the 19th century through targeted breeding by hunters and foresters. Today the Weimaraner is a popular hunting dog, kept primarily by experienced dog owners.

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