Italienisches Windspiel

Italian wind chime

The Italian Greyhound, also known as the Piccolo Leviero Italiano, is the smallest breed of sighthound and is often valued for its lovable temperament.

Contents: Italian wind chime

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Italian wind chime - Profile

  • Character: Affectionate, gentle, lively
  • Size: Small
  • Height: 32-38cm
  • Weight: 3.5-5 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Coat type: Short, smooth
  • Colour: Black, slate grey, white, cream; solid or with white markings
  • FCI Group: Sighthounds

Italian wind chime - Special Features

The Italian Greyhound, a breed recognized by the FCI from the group of sighthounds, usually has a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years. These dogs shed almost no hair and are therefore an excellent choice for allergy sufferers.

In terms of size and weight, Italian Greyhounds typically grow to 32 to 38 cm and weigh up to 5 kg. Their coat is short and soft, with no undercoat, and they come in a variety of colors, including black, gray, slate gray, and isabel. White markings on the paws or chest are permitted.The Greyhounds are characterized by triangular ears that point forward and dark, almond-shaped eyes that have a lively and intelligent expression. Their bodies are elongated, and they have narrow, elongated heads. Although the Italian Greyhound appears delicate and noble, it has little fat under the skin and is therefore sensitive to cold and wet. If it weighs less than 5 kg, it tends to shiver constantly and can be more prone to health problems. These dogs are intelligent and cheerful, cuddly, and extremely affectionate to their owners. They enjoy close contact with their humans and are enthusiastic cuddle partners.

Italian wind chime - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

Italian Greyhounds need energy-rich food, but it should not be too meaty to avoid kidney problems. Carbohydrates can provide additional energy. Dental hygiene can be supported by baked food and chews .

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Italian wind chime - Health and Care

Keeping a Wind Chime can be demanding. They require a lot of exercise, several hours a day, and are sensitive to rain and cold. Protective clothing for walks in bad weather is advisable, or you can find ways to keep your dog occupied indoors. Dental care is important, and daily brushing and giving dog biscuits or other kibble can help prevent dental problems. Some Wind Chimes do not tolerate medications such as vaccinations and anesthetics well, and they are prone to kidney problems, so increased attention to their health is required. Wind Chimes' thin legs and delicate tail are prone to injury, so care must be taken, especially when playing with children.

Italian wind chime - Origin & History

The Italian Greyhound has a long history dating back to ancient Egypt. It was introduced to Rome via Greece and was popular with nobles in Europe. Over time it was bred to be smaller, but this led to health problems. More recently, efforts have been made to restore the breed to its original size and health.

Italian wind chime - The right accessories

You will need a special collar or harness for your Italian Greyhound, as they have a narrow head and can easily slip out of regular collars. As Greyhounds are sensitive to cold and wet weather, it may be a good idea to dress them in clothes such as coats, sweaters and rompers. Dental care is important, so you will need a dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste. There are also special mouthwashes for dogs, as well as chew toys. Apart from that, you will need the basic equipment such as bowls, leashes, toys, treats and poop bags .


Greyhounds are sensitive to the elements and require a lot of exercise. The dogs can have dental problems and are prone to injury, especially to their thin legs and delicate tail. Keeping them requires careful planning and caution, but is rewarding for those willing to tend to their needs.

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