Irish Red and White Setter

Irish Red and White Setters

The Irish Red And White Setter, a lesser-known hunting dog, is characterized by a fine nose, cheerful nature and suitability for families, and shows particular passion when hunting.

Contents: Irish Red And White Setters

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Irish Red and White Setter - Profile

  • Character: Friendly, energetic, intelligent
  • Size: Large
  • Height: 57-66 cm
  • Weight: 25-34 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-13 years
  • Coat type: Long hair
  • Colour: Clearly defined red spots on a white background
  • Special features: Irish breed, balanced, active, hunting dog with good social behavior
  • FCI Group: Pointing Dogs

Irish Red and White Setter - Special Characteristics

The Irish White and Red Setter is very similar to the more well-known Irish Red Setter. The differences in appearance are a broader head and a more powerful body. Overall, the IWRS makes a very athletic impression. The withers height of the males is about 62 to 66 cm, and that of the females 57 to 61 cm. It owes its name to its white coat and red spots. Its suitability for families is based on its friendly nature. It is a good-natured hunting dog with a lovable nature. The Irish Red and White Setter wants to be a loyal and good friend to its master or mistress. In order for its nature to blossom, it needs family contact. When hunting, it is passionate, determined and courageous. It can even overcome difficult terrain without difficulty. The Irish Red and White Setter is also quite easy to train. It behaves calmly in the apartment. As an energetic hunting dog, however, it feels more comfortable outdoors. How it is used for hunting depends entirely on the owner. First and foremost, it is a pointing dog specialist. With its fine nose, it can track down game with pinpoint accuracy. It is particularly suitable for hunting small game. It also likes to go into the water, can retrieve and is also good on the blood trail.

Irish Red and White Setter - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The Irish Red And White Settler needs a diet with plenty of meat to meet its animal protein needs. Obesity can be avoided by adjusting the amount of food to the dog's exercise. Grains and plant products are a useful addition, and the dog should always have access to fresh water.

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Irish Red and White Setter - Health and Care

Grooming the Irish Red and White Settler requires daily brushing due to its long coat to prevent matting. After walks in the woods, the coat should be cleaned thoroughly as dirt and twigs can easily get caught in it. Regular bathing can be helpful. This breed often drools, so it is advisable to keep them outside to avoid drool marks in the home. Aside from grooming, the Irish Red and White Settler is easy to care for.

Irish Red and White Setter - Origin & History

The Irish Red and White Settler is an ancient breed from Ireland and was traditionally used as a hunting dog. It was once more popular than its solid-colored brother, the Irish Red Settler, and later experienced a resurgence in popularity.

Irish Red and White Setter - The right accessories

When the Irish Red and White Settler is not used for hunting, he should still be mentally and physically challenged. Retrieving toys, dummies and intelligence toys are good ways to keep him occupied. Protective and warm vests can be useful when hunting, and tick tweezers are important for removing ticks . A signal collar can improve the dog's visibility, especially in the dark.

Irish Red and White Setters - Conclusion

The Irish Red and White Settler is an ancient breed with a history in hunting. This breed is friendly, intelligent, and easy to care for. Grooming requires daily brushing, and they tend to drool. The Irish Red and White Settler is a great choice for active families or individuals who enjoy spending time outdoors and can provide mental challenges for their dog.

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