

The Hokkaido, also known as Ainu-ken or Ainu-Inu, was originally bred for bear hunting and is characterized by remarkable endurance. Today it is a "natural monument" worthy of protection.

Content: Hokkaido

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Hokkaido - Profile

  • Character: Loyal, brave, alert
  • Size: Medium
  • Height: 46-52 cm
  • Weight: 20-30 kg
  • Life expectancy: 14 years
  • Coat type: medium hair
  • Color: Sesame, Brindle, Black, Red, White, Cream
  • Special features: Japanese breed, robust, adapted to cold, loyal, alert, original hunting dog
  • FCI Group: Spitz and primitive dogs

Hokkaido - Special Features

The Hokkaido is one of the medium-sized dog breeds and can reach a maximum size of up to 52 cm. This breed is characterized by a powerful stature and robust bone structure, accompanied by well-developed muscles. The dog's coat is also resistant and consists of hard outer hairs and a soft undercoat. It can have a wide range of colors, including red, black, white and various shades in between.The appearance of the Hokkaido is similar to that of the Akita , another dog breed from Japan. These dogs usually have a rather broad head with small, black eyes and often a black nose. The ears are triangular and stand upright. The tail is carried rolled over the back. The Hokkaido dog develops a close bond with its pack leader, usually a single person. It tends to accept orders only from that person and often ignores the instructions of others. With strangers, the Hokkaido is usually reserved and maintains a certain dignity. However, his willfulness can sometimes make it difficult to get his way, and even experienced dog owners occasionally find themselves faced with a challenge. If treated unfairly, the dog's sensitivity can lead to stubbornness.

Hokkaido - What should you consider when it comes to nutrition?

The Hokkaido often shows a strong preference for fish in its diet. The amount of food should be appropriate for age, weight and activity level, typically 300g of fish or meat, 140g of vegetables and about 100g of rice or pasta, divided into two meals per day. Treats should be given sparingly and the dog should not have additional food sources between meals. However, fresh water should always be available.

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Hokkaido - Health and Care

Grooming your dog requires that you brush his coat thoroughly about two to three times a week. During the shedding season, daily brushing is necessary. You should also clean your dog's ears and teeth regularly, ideally twice a week. The nails should be checked regularly for excessive length and trimmed if necessary. Bathing is usually not necessary and can even have a detrimental effect on the hair structure.

Hokkaido - Origin & History

The Hokkaido dog, also called Ainu-ken or Ainu-Inu, has its roots in Japan and was originally used for hunting big game and fishing. The breed has a long history and was only officially recognized in 1937.

Hokkaido - The right accessories

This breed of dog needs a lot of exercise and space to run around, so a large garden is an advantage. A long leash is recommended, but free running is ideal, provided the dog is well trained. Regular brushing of the coat is also important.

Hokkaido - Conclusion

The Hokkaido dog is a fascinating breed with strong roots in Japan. It has a fondness for fish and is a loyal companion, but is attached to a single person. This breed of dog requires a lot of exercise and space to run around, ideally in a large garden or on a leash with good training. Grooming is comparatively easy and it is generally a clean dog. The Hokkaido dog is ideal for experienced dog owners who can offer it the necessary physical and mental exercise.

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