Griffon Fauve de Bretagne

Griffon Fauve de Bretagne

The Griffon Fauve de Bretagne is a French hunting dog with a strong need for exercise. He is intelligent, loves to solve problems and enjoys making friends with other dogs.

Contents: Griffon Fauve de Bretagne

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Griffon Fauve de Bretagne - profile

  • Character: Gentle, adaptable, intelligent
  • Size: Medium
  • Height: 48-56cm
  • Weight: 17-22 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12-13 years
  • Coat type: medium hair
  • Colour: Fauve (fawn), from golden wheat to a reddish brown tone
  • FCI Group: Hounds, Scenthounds and Related Breeds

Griffon Fauve de Bretagne - Special characteristics

The Griffon Fauve De Bretagne is a loyal and affectionate dog that prefers to be around people. These animals are generally friendly to everyone they meet. They are also friendly to strangers and children if they are well socialized. They like to roll around on the sofa with you and love to have their belly rubbed . However, they are a working dog. They love to track and chase things. The dogs are brave. They are alert to their surroundings and therefore make good watchdogs that will alert you if something is wrong. The animals can be overly playful with small children and accidentally knock them over. But they would never do this with malice. The dogs love to make new friends with everyone they meet. The breed is excellent at solving puzzles. Therefore, they will always find a way out of your yard. Dog training must begin very early and continue throughout the dog's life.

Griffon Fauve de Bretagne - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The Griffon Fauve de Bretagne is best fed a high-quality dry food for adult dogs, consisting of high-quality animal proteins. Since this is a hunting dog, feeding should be managed carefully to avoid overfeeding. This will help prevent obesity. It is advisable to feed your dog after exercise to use this as a reward.

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Griffon Fauve de Bretagne - Health and Care

The Griffon Fauve de Bretagne is undoubtedly a dog that needs exercise and outdoor activities to be happy and healthy. At least two hours a day should be set aside for outdoor walks and play so your dog can burn off his energy. This breed has impressive stamina, so longer walks or outdoor activities are also welcome. To really keep your dog happy, you can offer him playful tasks and search games that will keep him mentally challenged while also exercising him physically. An open field or fenced area is ideal for such activities. During the day, your dog should have access to a garden , preferably a small or medium-sized one, where he can romp around and let off steam on his own. However, it is of utmost importance that the garden is securely fenced in, as these dogs are known for escape attempts. If they do not get enough exercise, they can become bored and their obedience may decline.

Griffon Fauve de Bretagne - Origin & History

Originally from France, the Griffon Fauve de Bretagne was once used to hunt wild animals such as hares, deer and even wolves. The ancestors of these dogs worked in packs to track and catch their prey. With the extinction of native wolves in the 19th century, the population of these dogs decreased drastically and they were almost extinct. However, in the 1940s, a targeted breeding program was launched to preserve and revive the breed. Since the 1980s, they are still popular hunting dogs in France, but they are rather rare outside of Europe.

Griffon Fauve de Bretagne - The right accessories

He doesn't need any special equipment beyond the basic dog equipment. A high-quality food is important to ensure he stays in good condition. Toys can help satisfy his need for exercise, and a brush is helpful for regularly grooming his coat.


The Griffon Fauve de Bretagne is a versatile dog, suitable as both a hunting dog and a family dog. He needs plenty of exercise and outdoor activity to be happy. His loving and friendly nature makes him a great companion for families. His willingness to obey and learn makes this dog relatively easy to train. However, he does require regular exercise and attention to maintain his happy nature.

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