Griffon Belge

Griffon Belge

The Belgian Griffon is a small, shaggy dog ​​with a cheerful and good-natured character. It is an excellent family dog ​​and gets along well with other pets. Its undemanding and friendly nature also makes it ideal for first-time dog owners.

Content: Belgian Griffon

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Belgian Griffon - Profile

  • Character: Confident, attentive, friendly
  • Size: Small
  • Height: 22-24 cm
  • Weight: 3.5-6 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-15 years
  • Coat type: rough, medium length
  • Colour: Black, or black with tan
  • FCI Group: Companion and Toy Dogs

Griffon Belge - Special characteristics

The Belgian Griffon Dwarf, a small, shaggy dog, is characterized by its cheerful and good-natured character. This makes it an excellent family dog ​​that also gets along well with other dogs. Due to its frugal and friendly nature, the little Belgian is also suitable for novice dog owners. The Belgian Griffon Dwarf is available in three variants recognized by the FCI , which differ in the length and color of the coat. The Brussels Griffon has short, red fur, while the Belgian Griffon has rough, black fur. The Brabant Griffon, on the other hand, has smooth fur in various colors. What all three variants have in common is their balanced body structure, which leads to their square appearance. The body length is approximately equal to the height at the withers, which gives them a compact and square appearance. This breed is a companion dog and has short, rough fur. Its most striking feature is its large head with tousled hair, and its fans particularly appreciate the almost human-like expression of its face.

Griffon Belge - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

The Belgian Griffon Dwarf has an increased heat exchange and a high energy requirement due to its relatively large skin surface. It is therefore important to meet its nutritional needs through a balanced and natural diet . Due to its small stomach, it prefers several small meals throughout the day. It is advisable to offer special food for small dog breeds, as it is made in the right size to encourage chewing and aid digestion.

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Griffon Belge - Health and Care

The Belgian Griffon is easy to care for, and thanks to its short coat, regular brushing is rarely necessary. Dead hair can be easily removed with your hands. An exception, however, is its bushy beard, in which small branches, dirt and leaves occasionally get caught. This beard requires more frequent combing and cleaning, as well as regular trimming with scissors. Although the Belgian Griffon has a lively temperament, it is easy to train. It develops a close bond with its owner and, with careful training, is docile and obedient. It strives to please its owner and does its best in all tasks given to it. Thanks to its sensitivity to its owner's moods, it can quickly respond to their state of mind. A balanced owner leads to a happy and relaxed dog. It is advisable to challenge and keep the Griffon busy with various games, as it loves these and literally thrives on them.

Griffon Belge - Origin & History

The origins of the Belgian Griffon go back to the so-called Smousjes, small, rough-haired dogs that were bred in Brussels and the surrounding area. In the 19th century, they were crossed with pugs and ruby-colored King Charles Spaniels, which led to the creation of the current breed type. These dogs were then mainly used as mouse and rat catchers and to guard small carriages. The name "Belgian Griffon" was first used in 1883, with "griffon" meaning "rough-haired" in French.The Griffons became the favorite dogs of the Belgian Queen Marie-Henriette, which contributed to their increasing fame. Within a few years, these small and lovable dogs achieved cult status. Their popularity extended beyond the borders of Belgium, and the breed was exported throughout Europe.In Germany, Belgian Griffons are not yet as widespread as in other countries, but due to their charming nature and easy care, they are also gaining attention from dog lovers here. The FCI classifies them as companion and toy dogs in section 3 of the small Belgiandog breeds without working test.

Griffon Belge - The right accessories

The Belgian Griffon is very playful and should be provided with a selection of toys including balls, bones and caves to crawl through. Grooming his beard requires a good comb and occasional trimming when the beard gets too long. A simple leash for daily walks is sufficient as he does not need much exercise.


The Belgian Griffon is a small, lively dog ​​with a charming personality. He makes an excellent companion for families and singles alike. His playful nature and love of attention make him an entertaining companion. The Belgian Griffon requires regular exercise and outdoor activities to stay happy and healthy. He is fairly easy to care for, but does require occasional brushing and dental checks. His adaptability and loving nature make him a great pet.

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