Griechischer Laufhund

Greek Hound

The Hellenikos Ichnilatis is a Greek hound that stands out for its hunting skills and endurance. This breed is independent and needs a lot of freedom of movement, but is well suited to hunting in challenging terrain. It requires experienced handling and a lot of training.

Content: Greek Hound

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Greek Hound - Profile

  • Character: Active, friendly, independent
  • Size: Medium
  • Height: 45-55 cm (males), 45-53 cm (females)
  • Weight: 17-20 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-14 years
  • Coat type: Short, smooth
  • Colors: White with orange or clay-colored markings
  • Special features: Greek Hound, agile and lively, specialized in hunting in challenging terrain
  • FCI Group: Not recognized by the FCI

Greek Hound - Special Characteristics

The Greek Hound, also known as the Hellenikos Ichnilatis, weighs between 17 and 20 kg and reaches a shoulder height of 45 to 55 cm for males, while females are about 45 to 53 cm tall. Their coat is short, dense and smooth, mostly tan and black with occasional white markings on the chest. Typical for this breed is the high-set, strong and saber-shaped curved tail and the flat, drooping ears. The head of the Greek Hound is elongated with a broad forehead, and their body is elongated and strong. These dogs are extremely independent, but also social, loyal and affectionate. They get along well with other dogs and show a strong hunting instinct. The Greek Hound is intelligent and has a great need for exercise. Their senses, especially their sense of smell, are excellent, and they are safe on rough terrain. Their barking is loud and persistent.

Greek Hound - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

When used for hunting, the Greek Hound will travel long distances and have an increased energy expenditure. However, you cannot simply give the dog more food as this could cause gastrointestinal problems. Instead, he needs a balanced diet with a higher protein content for muscles and sufficient fat for energy. One option is to use special prepared food for performance dogs or to choose a high-quality, high-protein food with additional high-quality fats and minerals. It is important that your dog gets enough rest after feeding, ideally one to two hours before he goes to work. You can feed a smaller portion of his daily ration an hour or two before work and offer the rest after work. Make sure your Greek Hound always has plenty of water available.

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Greek Hound - Health and Care

Grooming your Greek Hound is usually straightforward. Occasional brushing is enough to keep their coat in good condition. This breed is known to be hardy and rarely prone to health problems. However, it is important to pay attention to dental health by giving them appropriate chews or regularly brushing their teeth with a dog toothbrush. Getting enough exercise is essential for your Greek Hound. If you enjoy going on long hikes, your dog will certainly enjoy this. Although they are not necessarily suited to playful activities such as agility, they love running and working with their nose. Consistent training is also crucial with the Greek Hound, as they are known to be stubborn and independent. Training to hunt is an option, but attending a qualified dog school can also be very helpful in developing their skills and keeping them well trained.

Greek Hound - Origin & History

The origins of the Greek Hound can be traced back to ancient Greece, where Greek tracking dogs were already known. It is believed that the Greek Hound of today arose from crosses between Greek Hounds, the Jura Hound and the Italian Hound "Segugio italiano" in the last century. The breed was recognized by the FCI in 1959 and was the first officially recognized Greek dog breed. However, the Greek Hound is very rare, even in Greece there are only a few specimens, which leads to limited data and experience available about this breed. The Greek Hound is still used as a hunting dog and can hunt alone or in a pack. During the hunt it barks continuously to let the hunter know its location. These dogs are extremely fast and persistent, but they are also very independent, which is why consistent training is necessary. To keep them happy, they need sufficient physical and mental exercise.

Hellenikos Ichnilatis - The right accessories

The Greek Hound has ancient roots and was developed from crosses with various hounds. It is still used as a hunting dog and is fast and hardy. Consistent training and sufficient exercise are important. Standard dog equipment such as a brush, drinking bowl, collar and dog leash is sufficient. Depending on requirements, tick tweezers and special dog toys may be useful.


The Greek Hound is a robust breed with an easy coat care. They need a lot of exercise and consistent training, as they can be independent and stubborn. These dogs are suitable for long hikes and nose work. Hunting training or attending a dog school is recommended.

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