Gordon Setter

Gordon Setter

The Gordon Setter is a spirited and elegant dog that is well suited both for hunting and as a family dog, especially for experienced, sporty owners who live in the countryside.

Content: Gordon Setter

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Gordon Setter - Profile

  • Character: Loyal, intelligent, energetic
  • Size: Large
  • Height: 62-66 cm
  • Weight: 25-36 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12-13 years
  • Coat type: Long, silky
  • Colour: jet black with chestnut markings
  • FCI Group: Pointing Dogs

Gordon Setter - Special Characteristics

Gordon Setters are characterized by their elegant appearance. Their coat is medium length, with the hair on the backs of the legs, tail and ears being slightly longer. The predominant color is shiny black, while a tan-colored marking can be seen on the legs, above the eyes and on the muzzle. Their body is well proportioned, with a head that has the characteristic stop and a long muzzle. The hanging ears are narrow and set low on the head. Gordon Setters are larger dogs, with males reaching a shoulder height of about 66 cm and females being about 4 cm smaller. They weigh between 25 and 30 kg. Gordon Setters are brave, spirited and extremely intelligent. Their high level of performance makes them popular hunting dogs , but their even-tempered nature means they could also prove themselves as family dogs. However, training a Gordon Setter requires experience and sensitivity. You have to show him consistently, but in a cooperative way, who sets the rules. Despite their hunting background, Gordon Setters form a close bond with their owners. It is therefore important to let them participate actively in family life. They get on well with children, provided the children have learned to treat dogs with respect.

Gordon Setter - What should be considered regarding nutrition?

When it comes to nutrition, the Gordon Setter is generally unproblematic. Whether you prefer dry or wet food is up to you. Meat should be the main ingredient in both options. If you prefer to try raw feeding or prepare the food yourself, then find out more. So that your dog gets all the nutrients it needs. Opinions differ on vegan feeding. However, you should remember that your dog is descended from wolves and was not created by evolution to be a pure herbivore. Even if you avoid meat yourself, you should not demand that of your dog. But you can still be responsible when buying food and pay attention to sustainability. How often you need to feed the dog depends on its age. Puppies and young dogs should get four meals a day, two are enough for older dogs.

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Gordon Setter - Health and Care

Grooming the medium-length coat requires regular brushing, especially around the ears, which are prone to inflammation. The ears should be cleaned carefully. Bathing is rarely necessary. The health of the Gordon Setter should be regularly monitored by the veterinarian.

Gordon Setter - Origin & History

The breed originally comes from the British Isles. As early as the 18th century, people began to breed so-called "setting dogs" by crossing the pointer and spaniel breeds. The genetic relationship between today's setters and the pointer was first proven in 2017.The ancestors of today's setters belonged to the group of pointing dogs . They showed hunters where to find the game by adopting a characteristic posture. Since they did this while lying down, they were called "setters" for short. In contrast to the classic pointing dogs, they were more versatile and better adapted to modern hunting methods. The targeted breeding of the Gordon Setter began in 1810 under the direction of Lord Alexander Gordon from Banffshire, Scotland. The current breed standard was not established until 1873 with the founding of the Kennel Club.From this point on, other color variants were excluded for this breed. The name “Black-and-Tan Setter” was in use until 1924, after which the name was changed to “Gordon Setter”.

Gordon Setter - The right accessories

For your Gordon Setter, you will need the basic dog equipment necessary for large dogs. Make sure it fits the size of your puppy, as he will still grow. This also applies to leashes , collars or harnesses. A suitable dog crate for the car is important to ensure safety during the journey. On public transport, your dog must wear a muzzle. Depending on what you plan to do with your dog, you may need additional accessories such as dummies or a clicker for training.

Gordon Setter - Conclusion

The Gordon Setter is characterized by its medium-length coat, which requires regular grooming. The ears should be carefully monitored and cleaned, as they are prone to inflammation. This setter is affectionate and intelligent, but requires consistent training and sufficient exercise. Suitable for people who like to spend time outdoors and want to involve their dog in various activities.

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