Deutscher Schäferhund

German shepherd dog

Its intelligence and alertness have made the German Shepherd the most popular guard dog in the world. It is used by police, customs and the military all over the world and is considered the absolute prototype of a working dog. But the German Shepherd is also loving and can integrate into families.

Content: German Shepherd Dog

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German Shepherd Dog - Profile

  • Character: persistent, steadfast, intelligent, courageous, self-confident
  • Size: large
  • Height: approx. 55-65 cm
  • Weight: 22-40 kg
  • Life expectancy: 9-13 years
  • Coat type: Stock hair, long stock hair with dense undercoat
  • Colours: black, reddish brown with “saddle”, reddish yellow, grey, sometimes with markings
  • Special features: most used service dog worldwide
  • FCI Group: Herding Dogs and Cattle Dogs

German Shepherd Dog - Special Characteristics

Large, elegant, with a noble color and a faithful look - the German Shepherd is a truly stately dog. The pointed ears, the long snout and the athletic stature let even the untrained observer see: This dog knows what he is doing.

The German Shepherd is intelligent, willing to learn, obedient and docile. Nevertheless, you have to make sure that you are consistent and dominant when keeping it. The animal is not suitable for first-time owners and requires an expert for good training. However, the dog usually forms a deep bond with its owner and, with the right relationship, is a reliable companion. The use of German Shepherds is extremely versatile: they are used as guard and protection dogs, assistance dogs and trackers.

Anyone who has enough exercise and the appropriate experience with dogs can keep this large working dog without any of the necessary work. However, other dogs may be much better suited as a pure family dog.

German Shepherd Dog - What to consider when feeding

The German Shepherd's diet is not particularly complex. When the dog is a puppy, you should feed it a diet rich in minerals to encourage healthy growth. However, too many carbohydrates or fat can harm your four-legged friend, especially during the growth phase. Apart from that, a balanced diet with a high meat content from high-quality sources is recommended. In addition, the food should consist of 20-30% fruit and vegetables. The German Shepherd is ideally suited to the BARF method of nutrition. You can reward him with treats . German Shepherds do not tend to be overweight. To avoid gastric torsion, a rest period should be observed after feeding.

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German Shepherd - Health and Care

You can do a lot to ensure that your dog is healthy and well-groomed through the right diet and annual routine visits to the vet. The German Shepherd's coat should be brushed regularly. This usually doesn't take much time and is done quickly. A rich shine will thank you! In addition, the ears, teeth, paws and claws should be checked and cleaned or trimmed about once a week. This intensive care program turns the German Shepherd into a beautiful animal and, at the same time, you also strengthen the bond with your four-legged companion.

German Shepherd Dog - Origin & History

Ancestors of the stock-haired German Shepherds probably lived in Germany as early as the early Middle Ages. Over the centuries, it became popular as a herding and driving dog in the service of the shepherd. The dog also has a strong guarding instinct. Targeted breeding was started in 1871 by the Prussian court captain Max von Stephanitz. The forefathers of the breeding line are the two males "Horand von Grafraht" and "Luchs von Sparwasser". These dogs were the first registered representatives of the breed in the stud book of the German Shepherd Dog Association. In the First World War, several tens of thousands of the dogs were deployed at the front, and in the Second World War there were as many as 200,000 German Shepherds. Abroad, the dog was initially known as the "Alsatian Wolf Dog" because people wanted to avoid associating the extremely powerful breed with Germanness. In the late 1970s, this name change was reversed. The German Shepherd is now the world's leading service dog breed.

German Shepherd - The right accessories

This workhorse is rarely lured behind the stove by dog ​​toys . However, with a few balls, a Frisbee or sticks, you can play fetch with him until he drops. This big dog really wants to be kept busy. Therefore, you should consider training him to be a rescue dog or something similar.

Of course, a suitable collar or harness is also essential. Treat your dog to a nice dog basket with a soft cushion in which he can relax after strenuous work and excursions. A soft dog brush and nail clippers are also part of the basic equipment of every dog ​​owner.


The German Shepherd is an outstanding working dog, considered the most popular guard dog in the world due to its intelligence and alertness. Its versatility allows it to be used in police, customs and military roles, while at the same time it can be lovingly integrated into families. A balanced diet, regular grooming and the right accessories contribute to its health and well-being. Its history as a herding and driving dog and its use in war have made it an iconic figure, and its heritage as a leading service dog breed is still valued today.

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